The most outrageous scam Susan Slavik pulled on us was that property was double booked so she asked us to move out 2 days early. She wrote us a check as refund for the 2 days we had already paid for. When we attempted to cash the check at Susan's bank, she had reported the check as STOLEN! and had the bank confiscate the check! So of course we couldn't cash the check and she didn't even have to pay a stop payment fee.
The "cottage" itself is filthy (and I'm used to staying in 3rd world hotels)- unwashed, unvacuumed, and personal property literally piled in corners. Plus it stinks like dog, altho it is represented as being pet free the owner, Susan Slavik, keeps her dogs there. Refrigerator full of opened, out of date food. Cabinets and closets stuffed with the owner's personal property, no room for the renter's things.
Furthermore- this property is being represented as lakefront, which it is not, and near hiking trails- none there.