HEAR YE! HEAR YE! People of central Pennsylvania... Do not use Susquehanna Oil Company for your heating oil needs! After being a customer for more years than I care to remember, I found out exactly what they are once you have a problem. Year upon year a service contract was purchased to the tune of several hundred dollars per year, up until last year it was never needed, sound like an insurance company deal?
Well last year my oil burner gave up giving hot water for showers, dishes, etc. I called the "wonderful" folks at Susquehanna Oil and informed them of the problem; they came and told me the boiler was fine, it must be the plumbing. I had to call a plumber and pay for a service call all to find out it was the boiler not the plumbing. I again called the oil company and had them call my plumber he explained it to them, they didn't believe him. I arranged for both to come to the house after he walked them through the problem, they reluctantly agreed it was indeed the boiler. A clogged jacket that stores the hot water inside the boiler.
After waiting for them to get the part, of course the first one was the wrong one, hmmmm something is starting to smell. The correct part comes in and is installed, and I am told the bill will be sent. I say no I have a service contract; I called the office and talked to Harold Willis “the businessman” who owns this company. Mr. Willis tells me “Yes that is correct it is covered under the service contract.” This is November 2006, December’s bill comes, no charges, I thought to myself, WOW! These service contracts are okay.
May 17th, 2007 a bill comes in the mail, my final bill for the year, I’m on the budget plan $135 a month for 10 months. The final bill, $647.83???? Impossible, I’ve never used that much oil before. I call the office, I am told that there is a $500 plus charge for boiler work. I explained that this was covered in the service contract, the lady says someone would call me back and takes my phone number, I wasn’t about to take my frustration out on a poor and I’m sure under paid office worker. Well about an hour later Harold Willis calls me, and informs me that the extra charge is for burner work done in November 2006, I reminded him that he himself told me there would be no charge, as it was covered in the service contract. “Oh, no, ” he says “I never said that, ” hmmmm convenient loss of memory? I think not, just one more corrupt “OIL” businessman out for only one thing! Needless to say I told Mr. Willis and I use the term Mr. lightly, that he will get him blood money and that I am no longer a customer and hung up. Was any attempt made to get back to me and apologize for the misunderstanding or explanation of why charges never appeared until now, of course not.
People of Central Pennsylvania, if you are looking for an oil company go elsewhere, if you are a customer now I would suggest you look for another company. In any case please do not purchase a contract from these RIPOFF artists...