I live in WI (where both my parents lived also there 57 years of marriage and 38 years in a successful business. In 1986 they made a FAMILY TRUST - to benefit both myself and my brother (we had a retarded brother Kurt Mueller in WI - that was my parents CHOICE not to include - for fear he'd be taken advantage of.)
First mom died (the month they told her they were putting Dad in a hospice after a year of a nursing home), My brother (unknown to me ) CLEARED out the safe deposit box, cleared out the original trust in St Paul, MN at US BANK, cashed in moms 8 life insurance policies at HIs address in CA- 'self dealt' the entire estate including the recently sold MILLION DOLLAR LAKE ESTATE, refused to file mom and dads REAl will /trust ("because it wasn't fair - after my parents revised it in 2004 after Keith divorced his loyal wife (mom of 3 kids) to marry some divorced GIRL - 20 years younger than him- and took ALL The month, art, antiques, family heirlooms, sentimental items with him and his new wife of 5 years to CA- apparently had me stalked, harassed and even assaulted ( I have two torn rotary cuffs, nerve damage, re-injured back and lost my job !) where I was run into bankruptcy where I didn't have the resourses to hire an attorney in WI, CA and now MN (where they just hired a new commercial Trustee (Brenda Pearson of Comerica Bank - to continue his 'stonewalling" to distribute trust money ) - THe bbb doesn't help, the Consumer Protection Agency doesn't help, the new stations don't help, attorneys don't help (but some of them took money from my brother to not do anything !), Congress doesn't help, FBI doesn't help, US ATTORNEY GENERAL doesn't help and Corrupt officials don't help, police don't help (and some threaten to have me arrested if I pursue a complaint) So where does a citizen get justice ? A murder gets FREE attorney - not the VICTIMS of scams and injustice .