AsSeenOnTV ( Today, June 4, 2006 I called the 800 number to order the SweepnMop. The product was advertised as $10 and if consumers called right away you could get a 2nd SweepnMop for no additional charge except $3.95 shipping and handling. Additionally the company said that the special offer included (6) replacement heads for the mop.
Well, please beware. When I called the 800 number you get caught in a fraudelent offer by the company. First, there is no "person' you speak to. Also, after the company gets your credit card information they then put you in a loop to offer the deluxe SweepnMop which is a much higher cost $29.95 and offer it twice in the phone loop forcing you to listen, then the 6 replacement heads come with a whopping $3.95 EACH shipping price. So already you think, when listening to the commercial that your order would be no more than $26 when in reality, if you really buy what the advertisement says you could, if you agreed by phone, pay over $75.
To make matters worse, the automated sale phone then tries to get you to buy a set of stainless steel flatware, something you have no interest in and did not call in the first place to buy. You have to decline everything by phone by pressing zero otherwise I fear the company has got you and you'll end up spending more money than you had any idea you would be spending. What I thought would be a 5 minute phone order took over 20 minutes. So consumers beware!! The SweepNMop commercial is not telling you the truth and don't call, they will catch you in a phone loop and get your credit card information before they get you in that loop.
Now I have to watch for my credit card charge (and my credit reports) to make sure the company running the order (which you have no idea who is running it) is not a scam and is for real. Don't get caught like I did