joan choi
October 27, 2010
I received e-mail, it turned out that I did not understand, I cancelled immediately, and deleted the e-mail.
I received e-mail, it turned out that I did not understand, I cancelled immediately, and ddeleted the e-mail. Icalled 866-389-3870 (I had difficulty to talk with the operator, since I had two braines surgery, and I could not speak with her, ) she gave me this vebsite in ordeer to get my money back. It was a sneaky way to take from 77 year senor who does not undersetand and handicapped. I could not operate my computer until now. Please return my money. I give you my credit Number to cover minimum charge - few cents.
Joan Choi
Dated 6/25/10
Purchase 90630623021929944262401 on 6/23 at SWIPEBIDSCS.COM 866-389-3870 UT $150.00
July 22, 2010
unsolicited credit card charges
I've searched my PC's History and found no files on swipebids.com. However, I just received a charge on one of my credit cards for 7 billings in excess of $1.00 and one charge for $150.00. No one in my family can identify the source of these charges and the date they were made, we were all at the bedside of my dying sister-in-law and no where near a computer. I am sure they can not be ours for that reason. Regardless, what is there that can be done about a company that is making charges to people like this?