SCAM!!!SCAM!!!SCAM!!! swswatch and rswatch are total scams do not buy a thing from these websites!!!
These two websites are the formerly known as and These sites are the biggest scams in the whole world! In August 2005, I was foolish enough to think I could get a Rolex watch for $950.00. This was when the site was and I sent an email expressing my interest in a watch. I received an email two days later stating there are other buyers for this particular watch and I should act quickly. I was given a bank account number and a name and stupid me I wired $950.00 into this account in Philadelphia to a man named Francis Callo.
After wiring this money, I sent many emails and finally got a reply saying: my watch will be sent USPS. I demanded a phone number and was given a FAKE number! I tracked down this man named Francis Callo and he did not know he was involved in a major scam. What I later found was going on, is Arkotrade was scouting for people to make money all you do is provide an account number and monay will come in just keep a commision for yourself and send the rest to Russia. I'm sure that Arkotrade is another name now and they are continuing to scam people with their Rolex watch sites.
I have contacted the FBI, FTC, IC3, and attorney generals. I am still trying to recover my money. I think that Francis Callo owes me that even though he was unaware he was involved in a scam.
Note: I know that I was foolish and naive for believeing that I could buy a watch for cheap..please dont remind me.