I had T mobil company in the past for two years, when I finish my contrac with them. I call to cancelled the serviced and they toll me that if I cancelled I have to pay them 241.77 dollar and I toll them that my contract was not finish I sent them the original contrac to proved them that the contract finish and they aswer that because my cellular phone was change because it was broken they extended the contrat without my permision of any paper(the cellular was the same that I have berbore) this is the reazon why I did not pay and I will not pay them, since this conflict they arrasdment me throught diferents collections company now aftew 3 year I received a new letter for a new collections agent the name of the company is AFNI and the account is 034169706-02 even thought that they try to ruin my credit i have excellent credit because I am very responsable with my payment. Thank you Maria Marquez. I leave in Miami. This is the information of the company. Afni, inc. 404Brock Drive PO Box 3427
Bloomington, IL 61702-3427