I went and purchased a taco and a order of breadsticks. Not only did I tell the girl at the register 4 times that it was 'to go' before she finally figured out that I wanted it to go, but when I got my food home and picked up my taco from the bag, all the fillings fell from the taco shell (and I hadn't even unwrapped it, just picked it up) all over my desk. Then when I went to pick up the breadsticks, not only had the box containing them been put into the bag upside down, but the employees neglected to secure the lid to the tomato sauce, so when I picked it up, I ended up with tomato sauce all over my carpet which I now have to clean. Not to mention on the desk and assorted other items that also had to be cleaned off.
This is not the first time I've had the lid on the tomato sauce not sealed shut, either--it's happened on several other occasions, but at least they had stuck the box into the bag right side up, so the tomato sauce didn't immediately leak out when you picked up the box. This was the first time that I've got to spend twenty minutes cleaning up the mess from it, however.
So I got to eat exactly nothing of the dinner I purchased. Thanks ever so much.
I can guarantee that I will NEVER set foot in your establishment again.