The Bank of Fifth Third decided a purchase of mine was not valid. I sent the complaint according to their records Feb.14 2011
They claim to have given me a provisonal credit of seventy dollars. Fifth Third Bank alledges that it took from that date to March .15th to object to my credit being placed at this time. 53rd claims they sent a letter out to me over a month ago and i never received it, instead they decided to let the fees continue to build up now one hundred eighty dollars on a bogus and fradulent purchase with this East INdian Merchant. I sent a letter overnite to them stating trying to explain the validity of the case and now they are saying they sent me documentation on the 15th of Feburary and they decided not to sent it to me or like they claim it got lost in the mail. Please someone find a way to stop Fifth Third Bank and the fraud they practice