I'm supposed to be receiving around $20, 000 from inheritance.Once I get it I'm going to be moving out of California but it's not until the end of the summer.I decided I don't want to wait that long so I figured I would give Tamir Enterprises a try and get some of my inheritance money early.I talked to Leo Tamir and he told me that to get $5, 000 I would have to pay $400 and I agreed to that because that's a pretty decent deal.
A few days later I get the paper work to fill out and mail to the company.I read the contract and it said I would have to pay $8, 900 to get $5, 000.I thought maybe it was a typo so I called him back and he said that's been the policy for 30 years.I kindly told him that he told me that it would be $400 not $8, 900 and he was just like "Not from me!"I told him I wanted to cancel and he said okay.
I just don't believe that someone would pay almost $9, 000 to get $5, 000.I'm thinking that since I told him I'm only 19 and I told him I'm desperate for money that he thought he could trick me into thinking it's a good deal.He also had a tone in his voice where it was like he thinks it's stupid that I don't think it's a good deal.
Anyways I just realized that I gave him my social security number and I'm thinking now that I shouldn't have.I just hope that when I get my inheritance money that it will all be there and he doesn't take any money out.