Well the Targus model AWE01 laptop cooling station is faulty after the warranty period of 1 year. This item has ruined two expensive Macintosh A1048 keyboards. These keyboard have worked fine before connecting them up to the UBS hub on the Targus item. They have been multiply used on several computers and work well. But, after connecting them to the internal USB hub on this Targus devise they suddenly stopped working.
After this happened It literally ruined these keyboards somehow. The keyboards do not work on any computer anymore and they show absolutely no signs of life at all. This Targus AWE01 has somehow fried these keyboards.
All of my electrical connections are perfect and secure and stable wiring was used. And also the power sources used to sustain these devises is stable as well. I'm extremely frustrated because I cannot do anything outside the warranty and nor does it at all cover 3rd party problems started by Targus.
No, I have not contacted Targus because I just despise them right now and am highly saddened by the lose of these beautiful keyboards.