I recently bought a Targus's 4-port USB hub. I paid about $25 for a piece of junk. The hub doesnt have enough power to power my mouse and my ipod nano at the same time, so I requested power adapter from Targus.
They told me to go buy the power adapter at Radio Shack, so i called Radio shack. Radio shack sells it for $33. why in the world do i want to spend more than the price i already spent on the hub?the customer service said there's nothing they can do about this. I cant even return it to store anymore because Staples have 14 days return policy, and yet Targus won't do anything about this.
When they sell a product, they need to sell complete package, and not let their customers spend more money on something that should have came with the hub. at least they should provide better solutions.
Just out of curiosity of how other companies deal with cases like this, i emailed G cube and Kensington. G cube said they can mail power adapters to users for free. Kensington said they'll send me a replacement unit free of charge.
It made me realize that Targus really sucks and is very irresponsible.