Tata Indica Xeta GLS

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Tata Indica Xeta GLS Reviews

December 14, 2007
Defective/Sub-standard Product
Dear Sir,

I booked a TATA Indica Xeta GLG with Malwa Motors, Kundli, Sonipat, Haryana on 12th of October (My Birthday and the First Navratra ). I requested the Dealer to give me the delivery of the Car during Navratras being Auspicious Days, he told me that he will give me the Delivery by 15 th of October (Third Navratra) and asked me to pay Rs. 15000/- (Copy of the invoice attached alongwith) as Booking Amount. On 15th of October when I went to take the Delivery of Car he further demanded Rs. 30000/- (Copy of the invoice attached alongwith) which I paid and promised to give me the delivery of the Car on 19 th of October since the Car which was booked earlier for delivery on 15th of October had already been sold by the Malwa Motors, Panipat, but the dealer failed to give me the delivery even on the last day of Navratras. So my purpose for which I booked the Car was not served hence I requested to refund me Rs. 45000/- already paid by me. After strong persuasions and negotiation the dealer asked me to come on 26 th of October to collect the cheque.

However, on 26th of October, 2007 I telephonically informed the dealer that though during the auspicious days of Navratras Xeta GLG was not delivered to me, I am still interested to buy a Car from him and asked him to deliver me Xeta GLS White if available and am not interested to take the refund taking into consideration the reputation of the company. The dealer asked me to come in the afternoon of the same day to take the delivery. I reached the dealer point at around 1:00 PM and paid the remaining amount to the dealer by cheque in full and final payment [inclusive of insurance + temporary number and veichle registration (R/C) charges] + extended warranty charges. The delivery of the car was given to me at 7:30 PM on the same day. At the time of taking the delivery I found that the Car had already run 160 kms . when I asked the dealer to give me in writing that car had already run 160 kms the dealer refused to do so. Your goodself would appreciate that though the delivery of Xeta GLG already booked by me was not given during the Auspicious days of Navratras, yet keeping in mind the reputation of the TATA group in the market I preferred to buy the vehicle from TATA Motors along with the extended warranty at extra cost.

But I am sorry to inform you that from the very first day of taking the delivery of the Car it started giving me troubles. There was problem of leakage of Power Steering oil and Ignition Switch malfunctioning (the power supply of car not getting disconnected after turning the ignition switch into off position and even after taking the KEY out of the ignition switch and this problem persists till date ). I contacted the dealer on the phone and explained him the problem . He asked me to come to dealer point. I took the car to the dealer point where after checking the car dealer told me that he has changed the oil pipe of the power steering column which was leaking and also has rectified the ignition switch problem. But to my dismay while coming back to home I noticed hardness in the steering wheel while driving the car, on opening the bonnet I was surprised to notice that the power steering oil level was very low which should have been filled in at the time of rectifying the fault at the dealer's end. This was the 4 th day of the car with me. On contacting the dealer again about the oil level I was advised to either bring the car to the dealer point or purchase the oil (Castrol TQ) from the market and fill it up yourself. Since the dealer point is 50 kms to and fro journey it would have cost me Rs. 150/- and also wastage of time I preffered to purchase the oil myself and filled it up.

Since I was interested for CNG installation in my car I enquired the dealer about the same. I was told by the dealer that if I get CNG installed from the market (3 rd party) then he will cancel the warranty of my car and if I got CNG installed thru him only then the my warranty of my car won't be cancelled. Hence I had no option but to get the CNG installed through the dealer for which I was required to pay Rs. 46000/-. I may mention here that the market price of installation of installing CNG is Rs. 35000/- as against Rs. 46000/- I was asked to pay. On 13 th of November I took the car to the dealer for CNG installation & paid him Rs. 46000/- (Copy of invoice & job card attached alongwith).

After installation of the CNG the car was returned to me on 16th of November but still my R/C papers were not given to me . The next day after installation of CNG the car started to give me starting problem in the morning and the car did not start despite giving repetitive Self's and when it started the engine started missing for the initial 10 to 15 minutes and thereafter it ran smoothly and when engine crossed the 2000 rpm mark the car switched to CNG mode. Thereafter whenever the car is stopped and ignition switched off and then restarted the same problem occurs again. When running In CNG mode whenever & wherever the brakes are applied the car engine stalls and the car stops in the middle off the road. On 22 nd of November the car was taken to the dealer for the rectification of above said problems and for 1st service (Copy of the jobcard attached alongwith). But the above said problems still persisted, on 28 th of November I took the car again to the dealer (Copy of the jobcard attached alongwith). On 1st of December the car was delivered to me and the above problems were said to have been rectified. But all in vain. On 6 th of December the car was again taken back to the dealer point for the same above said problems (Copy of the jobcard attached alongwith). I may mention here that the dealer point is at a 50 kms to and fro journey from my home, I had to spend Rs. 150/- for every visit as fuel costs during my each and every visit to the dealer and also wastage of my time. The car remains with him everytime for three to four days which hinders my jobwork as well.

On 10th of December my car all of a sudden stopped while applying brakes in the middle of heavy traffic at Delhi by-pass and some vehicle hit my car from behind, speed being slow I was saved. On 11 th of December 2007 while applying brakes in the congested area at Geeta Bhawan, Sonipat City the car suddenly stopped and did not start for 15 minutes. The whole traffic was jammed and there were hot exchanges between me and the other vehicle owners from behind. Police had to intervene. Since then I am not driving the car under the fear of any kind of mishappenings because of the above said problems and car is parked in my house. It is also mentioned that the Regular Registration (R/C) Papers have not been given to me till date for which payment was paid to the dealer at time of taking delivery of the car on 26 th of October, 2007.

Under the above state of affairs which I have been facing for the last one and a half month from the very date of taking delivery of the car it is clear that a defective/substandard Car has been delivered to me. Your goodself would appreciate that I have been under mental tension/harassment for one and a half month and do not want to remain under harrasment further more. Hence I am not ready to get my car which was purchased only one and a half month earlier repaired at this stage now. Hence you are requested kindly to issue necessary instructions to the dealer to take the car back and replace it with a New Indica Xeta GLS model. I would rather like to get the delivery of replaced new car from some other dealer in Delhi since I have lost faith upon the present dealer at Kundli, Sonipat now, his behavior being non- cooperative. The particulars of the car and the dealer are given below:


CHASIS No. : 600631KSZPE8943

ENGINE No. : 475SI56KSZPE6974


MALWA AUTOMOBILES Pvt. Ltd., Passenger Car Dealer, NH- 31, K. M. Stone, G. T. Road, Kundli, Sonipat.

Haryana. PIN- 131001

Selling Dealer Code: 07750

I am sure that you will take a serious view of the above problems to maintain the high reputation of your esteemed organization. I shall appreciate acknowledgement about receipt of above mail at your end & the action taken by you on the above . If possible , kindly inform your contact nos. / mobile no. to enable me to explain the problem to you telephonically.

Looking forward to receive your positive feedback at the earliest

Warm Regards

Manoj Hasija

269, Sector 15, Sonipat, Haryana.

PIN- 131001

0130 2230433 (R)

0 92155 47433 (M)

[email protected]
January 30, 2007
Shaman Motors (Mumbai) and TATA Indica Xeta - a script for a funny movie!
This is my complaint letter that i wrote to TATA but didnt get any response from them !!

I am feeling so bad that i bought a Tata Car. I am writing to u for the second time. My Car number is MH-01-VA-3752(Indica V2 Xeta GLS). I bought this car in April fro Shaman Motors (Mumbai) and it has been to the service centre for some 10 times. and still the problems dont get rectified. Please i request someone Higher than Shaman motors to look into the matter personally because its of no point me giving the car to shaman every 25-30 days to solve the problem. First of all whenever i get the car back from the service centre... i am always assured that the problem in my car would not have got rectified and i will have to give the car back to the workshop in a few days. This has happened every time i gave the car to the service center.

Let me start from in between of my complaints list:

I gave the car for first service with a complaint that i am getting a "Check Engine" warning every now and then. After i received my car after some four days, The car was delivered to my place Scraped and scratched as it used to happen before. So as usual it was the time to go back to service center. While getting the car to the center on the next day, due to bad luck a cabbie suddenly braked ahead of me and i met with a small accident and my bumper broke. So

I gave the car for the bumper repairs and check engine warning the car was at the service centre for some 20 days or more. Finally after repeated requests and phone calls i got the car back Where my the paint job done on the car was of the third order(Even roadside mechanics do a better job), the bumper wasnt fitted properly, the car must have been left open for these many days so it was full of dust inside the cabin, i couldnt drive the car because anyone will start sneezing, Horn wasnt working- they had not fitted the horn properly inside the bumper(it was stuck with bumper), Finally after having a hard time there i got atleast the horn fixed. When i was getting out of the service center i checked the Headlights because knowing these guys i was sure there will be a problem here too. And yes the right side's headlamp leveller wasnt working. so noted these things in the gatepass. i was really disturbed by their unprofessional service. Lastly to my surprise They had even managed to screw up the driver side's Seatbelt too (i dont know how thats possible). I regretted so much buying the this car.

Then suddenly a few days later i get the check engine light again. If you go back to your records u will find my complaint there too via internet... then due to your pressure and inquiry, superiors in shaman motors call me and tell me to drop the car back again assuring me that all faults will be dealt with and everything will be fixed. So again i go to the service centre and give my car back to them ... after three days i get a call saying that your car is ready. so they drop drop the car back to my place.. there i find out that headlamp leveler was still not working, and seat belt wasnt available, then they had some mechanic who was heading home come and fix it temporarily.(That job done is still Temporary).

Again i drive the car for a few days and Check Engine Strikes back !! (That time i cursed myself and tata Both for this Car !! and thought that why didnt i take my friends' and relatives' advice and buy a Maruti or Hyundai car But may be i Trusted TATA that time).

Then Now i wanted to drive down to Kerala on Sunday so i gave the car back to service center to get the Seatbelt Fixed and Check Engine Syndrome sorted. So after keeping the car in the service center for 3 days i get a call "Sir your Car is Ready"... Hahah I knew Its all Bullshit. But still with positive hopes i left work early and went to the center to find the seatbelt fixed and the car not starting. I get a crap from them saying that it was water that had gone in the engine while washing. Actually they had managed to blow up the sensor (Map sensor). The Customer car Manager tells me that "Sir after all its a Machine-We shall look into this again" (Isnt it and idiotic thing to tell this a customer who keeps his car near to his heart? God knows what they were doing till today) Then again i return back home With the hope that i will get the car back the next day that is today. So Again i get a call from them saying "Sir the car is Ready" As i didnt want them to deliver the car home, i again went to the center. i saw the car switched on the car it Came on. i kept my fingers crossed thinking this will be the last Problem in the car. I drove out to go to work... Just after driving for 2 Kms The Check Engine Strikes Again !!! The car Vibrates and Starts Stalling. So i take a U-Turn and head back to the center.

Every time i give the car to the service center i waste so much fuel because of their Engine Testing. Then i have to spend traveling in the cab, then i have to stop work early or start late to go to the service center, then this mental trauma that i am getting every second day....

My 28 years old Yezdis and Jawas are not giving me so much Problem as this 8 month old car Such an Irony both owners are Parsis.

Everyone wants to make money but who is going to pay for all this i am going through.

I always had respect for Tatas and i still Do respect them but these kind of experiences are killing the reputation and respect that Tatas have created and earned). Now i accept that my decision of buying a Tata car was and is wrong. I should have believed other people who used to say that tatas can make Trucks and Not cars !! I am regretting for my Decision. And i shall Never ever advice or recommend anyone to buy a Tata Car. Thats where Hyundai and Maruti wins. You guys cannot sort out a problem in "YOUR" car and claim big..... Shame on Indians where Koreans and Japanese cars are becoming popular.

Now my car is back in the service center for 7 days as i am leaving for Kerala on Sunday in a Santro for 6-7 days so please contact me on 13/01/07 or only after 20th January and please do the needful if u want to feel proud to be an Indian Car Manufacturer... (Its high time.. Change your attitude towards customers else foreign companies are always here to get popular and provide better products and service and get you down).....

Now after getting back from my trip ... i receive a call from the service center "Sir your car is ready".. i go to the service center and wait for 1 hour because the car was in washing... i get the car and i leave for home... when i reached home i find out that my Rear RHS door looks different than my whole car. and the lock wasnt working properly... i then realized that the door had been repainted. I again go back to the service center, then i find out that those guys were trying to hide from me that they had banged my car. I have no complaints left anymore.... and i gave the car back to them for Repaint.... After 5 days .. i bring back the car just to find that the repainted door's window lever is missing.!!....

Dont you think this can be a script for a funny movie !!

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