Tata Motors

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Tata Motors Reviews

service quality by TATA Motors November 23, 2009
poor service qauality
Dear Sir,
My car model “Indiago GLX” bearing registration no. RJ-20-CA-2376 was repaired on 16.11.09 at your authorized service center M/S Chambal Motors (P).Ltd, Kota. Repair was billed vide invoice no. Chambal-KT-0910-06380 dated 17.11.09.

The car was personally handed over to your above authorized service center for check & repair following continuing problems in addition to general check up. The status of specific problems which was claimed attended is as follows:

Start up problem: I am facing cold condition starting problem in my car since more than three months. In morning the car does not get start unless 20-25 continues self cranking is not applied. Some times abnormal noise was emitting inside bonnet. It was immediately brought in notice to your authorized service provider with a request for check & corrective measures accordingly. On demand car was sent to your authorized service provider. After check it was told to me to get battery replaced which is responsible for such miss operation. The car was then taken to local authorized dealer of “Exide” for replacement. As per routine practice the battery was checked before replacement by Exide dealer. It was surprising to me that battery was declared O.K. This was a contradictory statement between your authorized service provider & Exide dealer. To verify & clear out the differences, he offered his service battery on chargeable basis. The battery was replaced with service battery. The trial with service battery showed no difference. This trail was for a week. This was again brought in notice to service provider of Chambal Motors (P) Ltd. with all the details & findings. Finally it was re concluded by your authorized service provider to re check.
Car was handed over to your authorized service provider M/S Chambal Motors (P) Ltd, Kota on 16.11.09 to check & correct. (Please check job card details). With delivering vehicle on 17.11.09, it was confirmed by service provider of your authorized service provider that this problem has been attended, rectified and checked also.
On 18.11.09 morning again I experienced same cold starting problem as earlier. It was immediately brought to the notice of Mr. Sunil Thakur, Chambal Motors (P) Ltd. As usual it was demanded to bring car at service provider for check up. I expressed my inability to bring car because of my preoccupancy. Again in late evening on same date, similar starting problem was faced. It was again apprised to Mr. Sunil Thakur on phone.
On 19.11.09 morning also it showed same problem & again it was brought to his notice. I requested him to organize & depute an authorized competent person in the morning to access & understand the problem. However again on 20.11.09, it showed same problem in morning & again it was brought to his notice. He replied to come back on this issue in due course.
On 21.11.09, morning start up, I did not face problem. The same was also communicated to Mr. Sunil Tahkur, General Manager, Chambal Motors. He recommended waiting & watching. Problem is still pending. At1.00 PM the same stating problem I faced while going back from my office. This was immediately informed to Mr. Sunil Thakur, General Manager, Chambal Motors, Kota & requested to verify. However he expressed his inability to immediately arrange his technician to verify. This was postponed by him on next.
I request to the official of TATA Motors to immediately fix up the responsibility & rectify same. I am continuing with this problem since more than three months. I am continuing to drive my car in uncertainty.

Fuel injection pump damage: This was happened with me few months ago, which I would like to apprise to the official of TATA motors for getting reimbursement of my payment.
Few months back my car’s fuel tank developed a leak. It was brought to your authorized service provider M/S Chambal Motors (P) Ltd for repair. It was repaired (Record may be verified).After some time again a leak got developed at same location, which was repaired (Again record may be verified) by your same authorized service provider. Subsequently when it again leaked third time then fuel tank was replaced as per advice of fuel tank was replaced as per advice of your authorized service provider. During the job of fuel tank fixing it was informed by your service provider M/S Chambal Motors (P) ltd that fuel injection pump nozzle is broken & it is to be replaced in complete. On my query in regards with reason of breakage when vehicle was running, the reply of service advisor was negative & surprising. He replied that during dismantling it was found broken. As per him, it was not possible to repair the broken nozzle hence complete assembly has been replaced & billed to me.
In this whole issue I was unable to understand that in fuel pump nozzle broken condition, how the vehicle was running As there was no option other than this, I got it replaced.
I request officials of TATA Motors to investigate and conclude this serious case at the earliest so that reimbursement can be made to me.

Steering horn pad damage: The damage to horn pad occurred during service some 3 months back. While taking delivery of vehicle it was observed that its steering pad was detached. It was immediately brought in notice to service provider then it was put back by him. Subsequently after a few Kms run it was observed that horn pad is malfunctioning. As it was a matter of road safety, immediately brought in to notice of concerned service provider. On his demand the vehicle was brought to your authorized service provider for rectification. It was again re fix with some make shift arrangement with an instruction to me by concerned service provider that if it happens again then please get replaced the complete steering wheel. Again after some few Kms of run it starts malfunctioning. This was then brought to notice of Mr. Sunil Thakur, General Manager of Chamabal Motors (P) Ltd. & he accepted for free replacement as this got damage during their servicing.
It was also brought in notice of Mr. Kohali, Chambal Motors (P) Ltd on 17.11.09. As per him, this type of damage during service is cost to the customer, which is not desirable. It was very surprising reply from such a senior person of your authorized service provider I request M/S TATA Motors for immediate free replacement which is still pending.
Damaging FR LH window glass steering system: The problem in smooth operation of front LH window glass was attended & billed on 24.08.09. On delivery it was observed that the problem is not rectified. This was then brought in notice of concerned service provider M/S Chambal Motors (P) Ltd., Kota...It was assured to rectify in next service because of time constraints. Again on 16.11.09 the same was offered for rectification. In the evening 6.00 P.M I was told by service provider that “Nukka” of window glass operating mechanism is broken & complete assembly will be replaced at the cost of Rs. 3580.00. I was shocked to hear for such cost which, I feel this got damaged during their inspection & it is totally an in competency of your authorized service provider & should not be cost to the customer.
I request to the official of TATA Motors for free replacement.
Vijay Rengarajan October 23, 2009
Tafe Reach Ltd
I gave my India car Dls 2004 for service at TAFE REACH LTD Greams
road, Chennai on 12th Oct 2009. I mentioned that I needed to go to
Bangalore that weekend. The car had done 67000 kms. The service
attendant assured that he would take it for 70000 kms service and will
do a complete check and gave me the car on 13th Oct 2009. The bill was
fancy and huge Rs. 10, 818.- ( 50% parts & 50% labour)

The next day the car did not start, --I got a push start--, went to
Tafe Reach, he checked and said the battery was good. The same evening
I faced the same starting problem, and had to change to a new battery.
TAFE REACH’s attendant judgment on the battery proved false.

I left for Bangalore on 16th Oct 2009 at 0630 hrs, the car did not
cross 200 kms as it stopped due to engine overheat, the fan, the fan
switch did not work, the left elbow tube bursts, there by all coolant
was on the road, bringing the car to a halt. I found a mechanic after
2 hours. I and my family were on the road from 10 am – 12 noon. We got
towed to Krishnagiri where the local mechanic said because of the
cooling system failure the engine head gasket got damaged .He changed
the left elbow, coolant pipe & the gasket
(not original).. We reached Bangalore at 1930 hrs. The next day I
showed the car to a local mechanic at Bangalore for detailed check. He
found airlock & blockages in coolant tube on rear side of the engine.

We left to Chennai on 21st Oct 2009, but on high speed the engine
became hot. We stopped at Krishnagiri, with the same mechanic changed
the coolant container that was leaking. The car did not still take
high speed. We were advised by the local mechanic to go at a speed of
60 kms / hr to reach Chennai safely.

On 22nd Oct 2009, we met the TAFE REACH sales attendant. On hearing
our story, he said he would have serviced the coolant system with
care, had he known about my trip to Bangalore. (What a lie?). He took
us to his Service Manager; he was reluctant to accept the negligence
of his staff. After a long debate the service manager took the issue
to his GM who was in the adjacent room. Instead of talking the issue
personally to me, the GM left the cabin advising the Service Manager
to waive 20% off the labour cost and give me 5% off on spares. We were
surprised that the head of the organization could leave abruptly
without caring for my sentiments. The whole thing happened completely
on the misjudgment of the service attendant about our long trip and he
should have warned me about the dangers of not having attended some of
the important jobs left pending in the coolant systems. For a 70000
kms service, jobs that are vital and important for long distance
drives should not be left to the judgment of the customer. Most of the
customers who own vehicles are non-technical. Vehicles are given for
service at big company like yours for releasing emotional satisfaction
and its associated guarantees.

When I insisted that I should vent my feelings to the top man of the
organization, a Sr. Manager met us and sang the same song mentioning
the companies policies allows only that much consideration to be shown
to customers in similar cases.

I request you to discuss the issue with TATA REACH Ltd in detail so
that an overall customer satisfaction level can be brought up to a
higher level.

I want TAFE REACH to pay me refund on the bill incurred or the
expenses which I have incurred at Krishnagiri & Bangalore which is Rs.
5500 along with the cost of replacement of the original gasket.


Vijay Renagrajan
[email protected]
NON REFUND BY TATA NENO October 21, 2009
Dear Sir
I inform that you regarding I booked tata nano 17.04.09, (my ID No. 112288168) draw declare 22.06.09, I want cancel same day resign for late delivery (Dec.2010), Help desk(02066495678) told me after 01.07.09 we cancel, I contract again 02.07.09 & tata nano cancel ( By Bank of Baroda Finance) but they are not send refund rs.120000/-, now bank Dr. interest 17.07.09 to 17.10.09 Rs. 1100/ (120000*11%), PM. same pending interest Dr. when tata nano not refund rs. 120000/-, long period interest I am not paid, all interest paid by tata nano, pl. solve the problem. I am book 1 Tata neon Not 2, I contract many time help desk they are not give any higher person no and not provide any complete no. They told we are send your complete to higher person, when I told for intrest payment then told we are not pay any intrest canaclation, if tata not pay any intrest then why should not refund within 30 days (data of cancelation 02.07.09) all document send by bank of baroda 17.07.08 & Tata Motors receive 18.07.09, bank also proff delever copy.
Pl. explain my fault, why I am paid interest, tata nano paid to bank & my amount refund.
Contract 02066495678, they are not provide proper information, my intrest loss rs. 3300/- & my sb a/c line mark, I am not able to use my fund.
Shivani Singla
Plot No 33, Nishat Bagh Colony.
Near Post Office Bhattean Bet,
neha15583 October 8, 2009
Dear Sir,

This is with reference to my car no. RJ20 CA 0498 which has been given for servicing to Concorde Motors, Sanath Nager, Hyderabad on 1/10/2009.

This was after the car was earlier given for servicing to the same on 1/8/2009 and there was improper servicing done. In August, although the car was working moderately fine, it had been specifically requested to CRM Manager, Concorde Motors to better the overall condition-AC/Clutch plate and overall performance and the service engineer was personally met and made to understand all.

The car was delivered after almost 10 days and the bill amount paid by us was of 16, 000!( In this amount, I paid the amount that I was supposed to get from insurance, but service advisor advised me to pay the full amount and submit the cash receipt along with an application – and he made sure that I will get the cheque in one week. I have still not got any cheque and worst part is that they have not called me back. I again sent the application and waiting for my cheque. )

After the car was tested, it was found that infact the RPM was further worsened by the service centre causing startup problem in the car.

The same was intimated to Concord motors who confirmed they’ll send their attendant to check into this. After one month of followup, the service guy came and checked, did some engine checks, tightened some screws and said it should work fine now.

However, the condition remained the same which was informed to Concorde the very next day. For 2 month we followed up with them and noone came to pick up the car. During this period, we got a call from Tata Motors also, and the situation was made clear to them also, but that also did not help.

Finally, after 2 months, they took the car.

Now, kindly look into this- for 3 days after 1st Oct, no service engineer was assigned to the car. On calling the service advisor we found that he’s not in a sitution to tell the status.

Day before yesterday we got a call from them saying all is fine with the car now after the carburetor pad has been corrected and we will send it across to you tomorrow morning. This was after we were folloing up with them consistently-almost 10 calls everyday out of which hardly 2-3 were picked!…However then they claimed that they are unable to find the bills of the car and the previous jobcard without which they would be unable to deliver.

For the last 2 days, they’ve been looking for the same.

In this whole periods we have made call / requested to following associates of Concorde Motors:

1. Mr.Venkat – 9248077901

2. Mr.Narsimha Charry – 9299009151

3. Mr.Ravishankar – 9248071882

4. Mr.Kaiz – 9395549227

5. Mr.Pavan – 9248077915

6. Mr. Charry – 9248077903

7. Mr.Ravi – 9248077906 ( he is the only genuine guy there I found)

8. Mr.Venkat – 9550256845

9. Someone for picking – 9248077997

10. Mr.Raman – 9248088563

11. And many more that I noted somewhere and forgot

Kindly let me know if concorde motors is at all the authorised TATA Motors dealer or are they some Marwari kirana shop?

The way they have treated us after all these 2 years that we’ve been going to them is hugely disappointing. By what right are they keeping our car with them for a total of almost 20 days-kindly explain.Is there no time limit by when the car is to be delivered and is finding a bill and job card so difficult!! The car as per their personnel’s is ready to be delivered and they are yet not delivering it!

I would be hugely grateful if you could please help look into this-kindly ensure the servicing is done well since we’ve already paid a HUGE amount for this…and at least get the car delivered to us.Hopefully you can understand what a pain it is to firstly not have your car at the disposal and secondly to follow up like this way..


Neha Porwal


Anshul Porwal

Anshuman Sharma` September 6, 2009
Product default
Dear Sir,

I want to bring your kind attention towards a big product default in Tata Indico car manufactured by your company. any car met with an accident like this is a big product failure and when you are going to make a history by launching many new projects I just want to bring your attention towards this so that you can rectify this error.

TATA indigo LX purchased in 2005 caught fire while coming back from a small drive. Me and my wife, my little daughter and my brother were returning from a very small drive on August 15th, 2009. we have a TATA Indigo purchased in 2005 from Ratlam MP. Now we are in mumbai. The first one year was fine but after that we are spending some 25-30 k every year to maintain the car at its best. On august 15 th when we were returning from drive and paring our car in our appartments parking lot we saw that smoke started coming out from the leftside of the bonnet. I was unable to open the bonne tand I could see that fire is coming out. I asked my watchmen to put water on bonnet but that was failed.fire was not in our control. then we have used three fire extinguisher but that are also failed then we have to called up fire brigade to control this fire. By the great help of people around we have controlled the fire but the scene was heartbreking, my cars was literally under the fire.

We have called up the fire brigaede as so many other cars were also in parking lot, we know that our car has gone but we just want to avoid major accident as if this car will burst all other car will also affect and this can become a major accident

But it was too late. All the parts under bonnet burned out, including Pump, engine etc..! Finally after the huge rescue efforts we could control the fire without spreading to cabin or to diesel tank. Later I called up the service center guys and they came down to the spot with a recovery van and took the vehicle back to the workshop. Now they have estimated a sum of 6 lacs to rebuild it!!

The reason for the fire break out is still a mystery. Even the workshop guys are not able to find. They are telling it could be short ciruit.

Can anyone tell me that wahat was that...my whole family was on risk...If this could be on the way...then what happened all battery operated things will stopped and we would not be able to come out...I have my whole family with me...I dnt think then i will be able to drive that car again...i am scared...How i will believe on your manufactured products...

Car will be fine afterhuge expense but tell me who will expand 6 lacs on 6 lacs car...and can anyone pay the trauma we have faced...
GatvolTATA August 24, 2009
Service and Quality of Product
I have a TATA Telcoline. After 123, 000km the engine dropped a sleeve and the head cracked. Upon askeing TATA what to do, they offered me a new engine for R28, 000!!! I got an enging from a guy who rolled his vehicle. The engine and fitment cost R24, 000. This engine had just over 60, 000km. After another 65, 000 odkms, this engine suffered the same problem. TATA would not assist, as this vehicle is not under warrantee anmore, and I did NOT service it at a TATA agent, nevermind the fact that it was serviced, only for about half the price the AGENTS charge for the exact same service. Repairs on this vehicle haswill have cost me in access of R79, 000 over 3 years. That is 60, 07% of the vehicle's purchase price. TATA would not offer any assistance, and their hands are clean of any blame. A friend of mine suffered the same problem after 73, 000km on a Telcoline. Another friend, who owned a TATA 8 ton truck, experienced problems with the vehicle from the start, and was told the damage suffered was normal wear & tare, eventhough its unheard of of ball joint giving in after 18, 000km.
Their response was poor to requests for assistance - pretty much the same as they products & service.
OMSHRI July 29, 2009

MADIKERI-571201. PHONE: 9448048244
OR 9241127489


So, for I believed in Tata, but now onwards I am loosing faith in tata.
I am a journalist from Kodagu district. I am the editor of a local district level daily by name “Shakthi” which is running since 53 years. I am also the correspondent for “Times so f India” from Kodagu district.
I started purchasing tata by getting Indica V-2 and then dicor and now I am owning Indica vista. It is not at all one year completed. I got the vehicle from concocorde motors, Bangalore.N0.KA 12 N-6312..
I will start with a bitter experience from the tyre company “Good year”.Once I got front tyre problem.Suddenly, the tyre started getting bubbles and bulging. I have to travel all along from Madikeri to Bangalore concorde motors. Although I have purchased the vehicle from your Hosur Show room, I am adjusted to get the service done at your Mysore road service centre.
The concorde people informed good year representative One Ashwin who claims to be an engineer came and certified that It is impact break and not a manufacture defect. Infact I could not meet him personally, because he did not arrived in the given appointement time fixed by concorde. He came very late. After seeing the report I had contacted him over phone. I think his conversation with me was like that he himself is the Good year company managing director. He did not had the patience to hear me that’You should reconsider, It is not the impact break, because I am myself driving, and also I am smooth driver.
Why the good year company engages such rude persons as engineers in the company? Why, the tata people go for “Good year only”?”
The experience was during 31-09-09. Again, today, that is 28-7-2009, my another front tyre got bubble. I cant run the vehicle. I had messaged to good year. They told that they will contact me within 24 hours as per procedure.
If this time also if they play mischievous thing I would positively fight through consumer forum. This is just for your kind information.
Sir, why tata is obligatory to the worst “Good year company?” can you answer this?. I request you to change my both the damaged tyres immediately.
Further I want to ask the tatas why it has low quality mud flapes for indica Vista. The screws fixed are seem to be olden day carpentary work. I had to get right the loosened screws for more than 20 times. Otherwise, the flap will obstruct the movement of the tyres with unwanted sound.
I have proof for contacting your service centre to get done the “Lorry type break sound in breaks” When I reach Madikeri after service from Bangalore, the same problem continues. The auto lock system is also not working properly. Once there will be sound loss, sometimes, the auto lock system does not work properly. Several times repaired but in vain.
Sir, another major problem is when I drive during rainy season especially during night, road is not at all visible. A whitish patches type covers the windscreen, completely blocking the visibility. Some relief could be achieved only when the heater is switched on and the air through inside windscreen is moved. But, even the A.C.is not responcding to clear the windows.
Once I have to stop going with my family during night and I had to stay back in a small place, due to non visibility problem. other vehicle drivers who tried to help me also said” Why tata is like this?” To avoid problem I had got removed the tint put inside which has not yielded any good result. I don’t know the cause of the problem. It may be the fault of the front wind glass or the wiper. I had put forth this during the service which was not at all being positively responded. The incharge persons orally said all the problems are solved, but practically, I have to face all the problems daily.
Please do something to help medium people like us. I have incurred diesel expenditure to drive to Bangalore several times only in anticipation of repairs, which has become a dream. Tatas should not limit the service by some trouble some receptionists ringing us asking for marks for the service. There is no use in simply filling the forms, collecting the marks. One responsible person should be appointed in the customer service to practically do the work. Because on that day when I complained to concorde manager about the rude talk by the Good year engineer, he could not even tackle that person on behalf of Tatas. Why they fear to favour customers. Why they support the worst behaved engineers? I still remember, Good year engineer Ashwin’s rude talk and I am not the profiled person to take such bad persons advice. Being the editor of a leading daily in Kodagu I am attending hundreds of customers daily in My office with polite nature. Please teach such persons a good lesson in future.
Ashutosh Shukla July 18, 2009
Tata complain id
Plz provide me email id of tata motors where i can complain about my new tata indica.
October 2, 2008
customer service
My Tata Indigo broke down on 15/09/2008 at 07:30. I phoned Tata and asked for roadside assistace, as the vehicle is still under manufacturers guarantee. They arrived at16:15(8 hours later), while the workshop is only a few kilometres from where the car broke down. They towed the car to the workshop and I explained to them that I need the vehicle fixed urgently, as this is my primary vehicle. On 17/09/2008 at 11:00 they called me and said that they checked the car and that they now see that my complaint is valid.
They informed me that my guarantee had expired because of the km's travelled. I went to see them and showed them that the guarante is valid for 100 000km and that the car had only done 80 000 odd km. They then said that they will repair the vehicle under guarantee. I again explained to them that I have no other vehicle. They charged me R450 towing fee, although the guarantee states that the vehicle will be towed free of charge!!! they now refuse to repay this .
Today 17 days later, my vehicle is still not repaired. They refuse to giveme a courtesy vehicle!!!
I should have bought a TOYOTA!!!
August 30, 2008
Terrible service
We very much regret to say that we are very much offended with the service that we have received from TATA MOTORS (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh). The reason behind is that I have purchased a car TATA Indigo LS. Initially i gave my card for Servicing in TATA MOTORS, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad and got a very bad service from them. Car washing done by them was the worst ever and any roadside Washing center would have done 100 times better than this service center. It was a year back story. Later i thought of changing the service center from Sanathnagar Tata Motors to Autofin Ltd Bowenpally as i don't have any other option as i had to get it serviced.

To start of, Autofin Ltd Service Center is at a awkward place in Bowenpally where we do not have any transport facility once we drop our car for servicing. To start of the with the problems i faced with Autofin Ltd and the Service Advicer there.

1. Service Advicer gave me an estimation of servicing and repairs of Rs.2600/-. When the car was ready in the evening he called me and informed me that the charges are now 3600/-.
When i asked him the reason he said he included some Power Steering Pipe which was gone bad. Here there are two things to say.
a) As per policy he should have informed me before actually changing/replacing any part which was not discussed and he dint feel like informing me as he says.
b) Power steering Pipe was changed exactly 4 month before by Mallik Motors as the Oil from Power steering Pipe was leaking.
c) If the power steering Pipe is broken then the oil should have leaked from it which was not the case either.

2. Lights inside the car( roof top) and tail horn were not working as the fuse has gone wrong, so asked the service adviser to repair the fuse which hardly costs, when i came in the evening to my surprise, Service adviser says that he replaced the lights inside the car instead of the fuse and he charged me for that again, here again he dint inform me before doing so.

3. As mentioned earlier Autofin is located near a place where there is no Auto or a Bus Stand available for any one to go.
I asked the service adviser if anyone can drop me to the nearest Auto or Bus Stand and he refused saying they don't have any facility as such. But when i came back the next day to collect my car i saw a board mentioning that they drop customers who come and give their car for servicing to the nearest Auto or Bus Stand. I don't know the reason but just for this i had to walk all the way around 1.5Kms to find an Auto for myself.

4. When i took back my car, to my shock again the car was not washed properly and i took a cloth by myself and cleaned my car in the service center itself as i know that they wont be able to that again.

I purchased my car 2.5 years ago and since then have the lots of problems with the service centers. Tata Motors mentions some Core Values on a Wall Board in all their Service Centers, truly there are Core Values for Tata Motors but just on Boards, there is no one who can actually execute that.

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