After I was transferred to a senior settlement officer Ken Halverson, "Their phone jockey." Right away he asked for my social security number before he knows anything about me. Bragging about all the representatives, BBB, and political groups they are members of. I knew from the beginning of the conversation; this guy knows nothing other then to prey on ignorance and fear for the government agencies. Using scare tactics to get your business. Total scam artists in that firm. I told him I have to check them out first, then he got defensive and aggressive. Advised me to stop making payments to IRS and use that money to hire him instead. He "guaranteed" I was going to get levy, garnished, and liens. In fact I can't be levy if I'm on a payment plan which I am with IRS and in the mist of working something out.
After I did my research, this company is also tied in with another modification company. I recently lost my home and was taken by a modification company, " Federal Loan Mod." Who did nothing to save my home. This is all the indication I need not to have anything to do with them.