Has anyone else been scammed by this company (http://www.taxauctions.net/?1132558) this was my web site that I was given when I joined.
This company said it would give you back 5 times your investment in 10 days and at the end of 31 days it would make it another 33 times your investment...example: invest $100.00 and at 10 days they would deposit $500.00 back into your account (only E-Gold Account)...then after 31 days they would put another $3, 300.00 into your account...for a total of $3, 800.00 for the total days of 31.
I joined on Jan. 10th and around the 18th I couldn't get any response from anyone of the emails that they had for support on their web site...I also called the BBB in Los Vegas, NV and talked with them and they told me they didn't have any complaints on them.
Since they the web site will not come up and I can't find out anything on them..
Can anyone with the correct information do a search or something to try to find out what happen to the company and tell the ones that lost money how we can go about filling a complaint to try adn have something done about it?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.