My mother(81years of age), who lives by herslf received the letter/check last week. She deposited the check into her account and withdrew $4, 000 and sent a moneygram to Canada for $3985.00. Now they are saying that htere is none more step - the tax on $250, 000.00 Her bank said the check looked good but 5 days later the check bounced and my mom had to deposit $4, 000 into her account to cover the check. My siblings and I send mom money each month to live on whereas she only recives $450/mo in social security. I plan to forward all of the information that I have to the FBI for there review.
She just received three more checks of almost $4, 000
1. ING Direct $4950.00 written from the account of Elecant Hardware, dated 9/24/08
2.Lasalle National Bank$4, 840.10 written from the account of M & J Corporation, dated 10/14/08
What a mess!!!