Everything that happened to others who complained about this company happened to me. To make a long story short, I got charged 3 payments of $80/each long after I'd cancelled my subscription to the service. The charges were removed from my account via another of Peel, Inc's subsidiaries - a poster company...
I'd called customer service three times - and each time was told the service was cancelled, but the charges kept coming. Finally, I looked them up on the Better Business Bureau of Chicago's website - and cringed (what an idiot I'd been for not consulting them before I got involved with these crooks.) I ended up calling Brian Dale, Peel Inc.'s president. Finally, a rude woman called and cancelled my account. She did refund my money - but why should I have to go through all this?
The sad thing is the packages they were charging me 80$/for - ONE bag of tea and a cheap tin car cup.
I'm so outraged. I know I finally got my money back, but I'm still pretty upset about this and will do my best to make sure no one else falls prey to this particular scam. I wrote a blogpost with further details about Peel's subbsidiaries - at www.kellincatty.blogspot.com. Feel free to read all about it.