Technology Wire and Cable Company does not honor negotiated contract terms and changes contract terms on a whim Pensacola Florida.
This employer has a way of changing it's contract terms on the fly. They set a target "bogie" to reach for commission and if you reach and surpass that goal regularly enough they change it without notice, raising your target. For example, I was under contract with a target sales goal of $8000 gross profit after which I would be paid a 20% commission on each profit dollar. After a couple of months reaching and exceeding this goal I had an exceptionally good month and was owed a commission check of approx $5000. This took place right before Christmas. No later than the middle of January my target goal was greatly increased to approx $12, 000 and the percentage was lowered to 10%. Several years later, after good faith negotiations and a verbal agreement on contract terms, as well as a hand shake from the co-owner, a contract was presented that was completely different than the agreed upon negotiated contract. It was after this incident that I left the company.
While the company was a good place to work, and the owner honored his contracts that were in place at the specific time, he did have a tendency to alter them on a whim or when the employees started making more money than the owner wanted to pay out.