I made a simple comment on their Facebook page that goes as such;" I am sorry but I do not understand why everyone's posts who have a little bit of non-abusive constructive criticism of this site are always being removed? If someone says they did not get a certain freebie, then their posts get removed? Any reputable company will allow opinions on their Facebook page, negative or positive. The posts are not abusive, threatening, name calling or anything of the like. I put down a post one time on here simply stating that I did not receive the advertised freebie and TeenFreeway pulled it down. When I asked why, they sent me a private message saying that inappropriate posts were removed. What was inappropriate about stating that I did not receive a freebie? What happened to free speech? "
TeenFreeway removed that comment and removed me from their page. If you ask me, they are very unprofessional by doing this. They also removed many other people's comments who stated they did not receive or have not received freebies from their site. The fact is I have not received many of the freebies they advertise. One time they advertised "Free Candy", well what the "Free Candy" actually was, was a $5 off a $5 purchase coupon to Hallmark. You could get whatever you wanted with the coupon. TeenFreeway sent a link to it through Facebook updates. I got the same coupon in my mail and email, around the same time TeenFreeway sent theirs. Another time they advertised "Free Panties". Again this was a coupon. It was for $10 off a $10 purchase coupon code at JcPenney. This would lead me to believe that TeenFreeway has people that work in retail that give them the heads up on the coupons and codes. I worked in retail and we would get a heads up on those coupons and codes weeks before they were to come out. I think whoever runs the site, needs to grow up a little and let people voice their opinions on their page.