I ordered a free CD being offered by Tellman for which I was asked to give my debit card number to pay $5.77 S&H on 8/24/2007.
When I received a email a while later stating that I could attend a seminar on list building for a charge of $29.95 I immediately sent an email cancelling my order. I did not get confirmation of my cancellation and the following day I noted that the $29.95 had been drawn from my account. A second attempt was made to cancel and requesting a refund for the amount already drawn. I received an email with a ticket number.
Tellman does not give any address or phone number on his emails and being an automated email it always has a noreply address. There is no way one can contact his company with complaints. I tried to get his information from the Bank and they were unable to assist.
Tellman has made four withdrawls in all, total $119.80 and I expect that he will make more because I have no way of stopping him. The only way I could have contacted his company is through the ticket system but because I unsubscribed from receiving emails from him that will not work either. I unsubscribes in desperation thinking the emails would stop but they did not. He is breaking the rules as far as he goes.
I need to get a refund from this thief. Something must be done about witholding his contact information too.
Raymond Nicholas