Telus Mobility
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Category: Electronics
Contact Information 197 Harper Drive. Apt 19, Shediac, New Brunswick, Canada
Phone number: 506 229 5848
Telus Mobility Reviews
August 20, 2010
Warranty and Technical Support Issues
I have been a Telus customer for a year and two weeks, with a Blackberry Curve. During the past year I have experienced numerous dropped texts and have called their technical support roughly 7 times, the first few were placed with in three months of having my phone. I have asked the technician on numerous times if it was my handheld and was assured it was a network/server problem. On the one year anniversary with Telus I was having more problems and spoke with a customer service rep who transfered me once again to technical support, however this time they escalated it and I had to wait three day's for a response-putting my phone now past warranty. I called again two weeks later and again had it escalated-this time I am being told that it is my handheld device and that I can pay $300 for a new phone without extending my contract or pay $240 to buy my phone out. I don't want to pay for a phone that never worked as I've been paying full price for partial service for the past year. I have been told there is nothing they can do beyond that. I am livid. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
August 18, 2010
customer service
My email to Telus Mobility today:
That about sums up my complaint. After I sent the email a notice said that "due to technical difficulties and high volumes you can never expect a reply so kiss our royal.." ok it didn't say that last part, but unless I hear from them I will try very hard NOT to be a Telus customer ever again. This is not the first time.
August 11, 2010
customer service
Yesterday, I had the very unpleasant experience of being yelled at, told repeatedly 'you are a
grown up', interrupted, asked if I always see the glass half empty, asked if when it rains if I
ask the radio station for a refund on the forecast, told I should be very grateful that Telus had
already reversed $170 worth of the bill in question, and that I had no reason at all to be angry
because Telus is a private business in the business of making money.
Amid everything else, she insisted on comparing calls from Montreal with calls from China, because 'the principle is the same' and, dripping with sarcasm, said 'ooh, we're getting personal now' after asking me where I thought my responsibilities lay. After repeatedly explaining what my complaint was, she continued to talk about the part that was my fault and how it was entirely my responsibility while ignoring the core of my complaint. She explained repeatedly that Telus policy was this or that, and that all the information is readily available on the website. For nearly an hour.
A charming experience, I promise you.
Until yesterday, I had several reasons not to conclude my business with Telus, or Telus
Mobility and many reasons to stay, and today I have very many reasons to leave and none to
stay. Until that conversation, with a very sarcastic Customer Care Associate, or whatever her
title is, I actually felt it was reasonably important to me to keep my email address of more
than a decade. I do not feel that way anymore.
The core of my complaint is that when I called to find out the details of a long distance charge on my cellphone bill, I found out that instead of excellent customer care that I thought I had received regarding a long distance issue with my daughter's phone a week earlier, I had actually been given a mere increment of 500% of what it could have cost. Better, true, than the 1000% it had been... but of all the weasely and obnoxious manoeuvres I have encountered after the fact, this one wins.
My daughter was in Montreal, and based on what turned out to be outdated information (me calling her as one of My5 was billed to her number as long distance, as well as her calls back to her local area. I agree, I was confused when I expected the long distance billing to be the same as it used to be: call a local-to-your-area-code number and you don't pay, call a long-distance-to-you area code and you do. The last time I was out of my area and calling, this was the information I received, and I was billed to talk to the woman at the home I was standing in, and not when I called my house –but since my house is one of My5, and the number I was calling was certainly long distance to my phone, you can see where the confusion arises...) my daughter's account had 50% of the long-distance billed reversed.
Which, at the time, I thought was generous and beyond what was necessary.
Imagine my surprise, then, when the rep I spoke to about how to find the Airtime Details (no,
it's not under Airtime Details on either of the two 'View eBill screens', it's under View PDF,
which every normal human would obviously expect), he said 'next time she goes she should
get the $40 unlimited long-distance plan.
You mean that at $40, she could have phoned everyone she knows in Canada for her entire
minute allotment that month, at no additional cost? You mean that the 982 minutes billed at
35 cents a minute is nothing more than making sure Telus squeezes 100% of whatever possible out of every single customer. And I should, according to Georgia your sarcastic customer service rep, feel grateful for only having to pay five times the package amount?
Having spent a number of frustrating hours trying to navigate the website, and not ever having called *611 for less than 10 minutes, no matter how simple the question might be (it took nearly 12 minutes just to get the corporate mailing address), I can't tell you how surprised I was this
morning to find out that it just gets worse.
I finally managed to find the add-on long-distance packages on the website (add-on might
make sense to someone, but I expect to be able to find 'long distance' under 'service' because,
it's a long distance service... or perhaps 'packages' because it's a package) and I find that the
company makes a profit doing business at $15 for unlimited Telus-to-Telus calling within
Canada. So, even the $40 is nearly three times what is, according to their business plan and
service pricing they offer, necessary for for them to make a profit.
Both cellphones are under ongoing contracts, and I will not be paying ten cents to cancel either before they expire, but they will not be renewed with Telus Mobility and as a direct result of their crap service, I will no longer be dealing with Telus in any way --not Koodo, home phone, or the new Telus TV I was looking forward to getting this fall.
August 6, 2010
Blackberry Storn 2
I have been with Telus for about 5 years. My first phone with them was in repairs for atleast 90% of the first 6 months I had it, while i was still paying the bills for a phone i didnt even get to use that much. I'm now on my fourth blackberry. I've had the pearl, and the curve with no problems. I recently upgraded tot he blackberry storm 2 33days ago. Within the first week of having that phone i had to bring it back due to it freezing all the time, and the battery life was horrible. They gave me a new storm, and now about 3 weeks later im having problems with this one as well. It too, freezes, and in the middle of sending or reading a text message the screen will go black f0r a good 5 minutes and theres no way to stop it. All i wanted was to downgrade to a different blackberry, keep in mind i paid $199.99 plus tax to upgrade to the storm. I stated that i no longer wanted the storm 2, that i've had enough with the problems. I had bad experiences with sending a phone into repairs in the past, and the tech support does absolutely nothing. All i wanted was a new phone, a CHEAPER blackberry. I didn't even care about the difference in price, I was willing to scratch the fact that the phone I upgraded to was a a substantial amount of money more then any of the others that I would downgrade to. The lady who was extremely rude on the phone, told me that i had to upgrade my software and that you have to do this with all blackberries. I never ever had this problem before with any of my blackberries, nor has anyone else I know that has one. I hate how they give a huge run around about their services, when at the end of the day it does absolutely nothing for you or your phone. Telus is just a huge rip off. They should really consider their clients satisfaction more. I will be canceling my plan with Telus and going else where. The best part is, they don't even care if you leave. Which is poor business skills. I will also be telling everyone I know about this incident, and make sure that those whom I know who are with this provider will switch over to something else, possibly Bell or Rogers. Telus sucks, always has, and always will!
June 3, 2010
My DOA Keybo 2
I owned the LG Chocolate Flip about a year ago through Telus Mobility. Shortly after my one year warranty ran out the phone started to break down (buttons didn't work, dropped calls, and so on). So my first thoughts were to get a new phone, thinking Telus would help me out. Without doing any consumer research I purchased the LG Keybo 2 with $150 off from Telus. I still ended up paying $178 to buy this phone but what choice did i have? I need a cell phone, much like a large percent of the population. I bought the phone September 2009 and the first few months were like a honey moon, then in February the battery stopped holding a charge. I phoned telus and they asked me to phone LG who told me to phone telus. Finally telus agreed to send me a pre-paid box to have my phone fixed and told me i would have to pay reactivation fees of 38 dollars twice (once to reactivate my old Chocolate and again when the Keybo 2 made it back) but the box never came. I eventually forgot about it because my Keybo was suddenly working fine again, the battery would hold a charge for 5 days.
About three weeks ago my battery stopped holding a charge, again! And it was considerably worse this time, only holding a charge for about three hours. I let it slide for about a week, thinking it would fix itself again but it didn't. I finally broke down and phoned Telus who told me they wouldn't back the warranty because it's not the phone itself it's the battery. The (rude) man i spoke to then told me i would have to buy a new battery for about 80 bucks. i was furious. i had spent an hour on the phone with telus, was treated like an idiot for even asking them to send me a new battery and then when i asked to speak to a manager or supervisor i waited on hold for ten minutes and was hung up on.
I finally got a new battery through an under-the-radar company (C and I tech in Guelph) my mom's company gets their Telus customer service through. They were very nice and gave me a new battery for free. I'm not sure this battery is any better (i got it tuesday it's now thursday and it's already died once) but i didn't have to pay for a battery that is still under warranty. And now i'm stuck with Telus, the "network problem", "won't back our products", "pay up the bum for our plans and products", company for the next three years. If you managed to read through this entire rant do yourself a favour, do not sign ANY contracts through Telus, you will strongly regret it!
Lyle Regehr
April 6, 2010
Cell Phone is not functional
The Motorola Milestone will not dial long distance numbers without putting a "1" in front of all numbers. That means if someone calls you you cannot call them back since it does not dial a "1". All your contacts also will have to be re-programmed with a "1".
Telus does not stand behind the products they sell and they say it is your tough luck you bought a phone that doesnt work on our networks. They will not replace it or help since it cannot be reprogrammed. This phone is useless to me and I have to start over with a new company now.
Unhappy Telus Client
March 28, 2010
Telus Contract
On February 28th 2010 my fiancée and I went to the Telus Store in Scarborough Town Centre. We wanted to know what offers were available to us seeing that our contract was up for renewal March 20th, 2010. We gave the store rep our account info and he told us based on our account we were eligible to get the Samsung R540 for $0 on a three year term... (We’ve now been with Telus for 6 years and the best they could do was to give us $50 off what was being offered to new customers). To say the least we weren’t really interested in this offer. I asked what type of offer they could make if we wanted iPhones. We were told that Telus wasn’t allow to discount the iPhone any further than what was already been offered to new customers, the best they could do was give us free $50 Bluetooth headsets. So the iPhone G3S 16GB was going to cost us $199 each on a 3 years term, so we said fine... (After all this is standard across most carriers). Now it came down to the monthly plan, because we didn’t have Smartphones before we only had a voice plan which for $72 (taxes/fees included) for both of us included: 200 daytime minutes each, unlimited evenings and weekends start from 6pm, unlimited Telus to Telus calling, Caller ID, Voicemail 3, 1000 call forwarding minutes each, per second billing & detail billing (no text messaging - that was 15 cents per). So I asked if we could keep our current voice plan and add a data plan, the rep told us that was not possible, we were told that we had to take a voice/data plan package. The rep show us the couples plan... so to get what we already had in our old plan with the addition of 50 more minutes, 3GB of data and unlimited text messaging it was going to cost us $170 a month ($100 for the plan, $7 each for 6pm early evenings/weekends, $15 each for Caller ID & unlimited text messaging + fees and taxes). Clearly this wasn’t going to work; I told the rep that this was basically what I could get from Rogers except with them I would get a 15% bundle discount with the only difference being 2GB less data. After wasting at least 30 minutes to see if they were willing to do anything I asked the question if I cancelled today what it would cost and the rep told me “$20 for each remaining month on my contract” (I only had 20 days remaining). So we went to the Rogers Store in Scarborough Town Centre that day and switched our service... for a $135 a month we’re getting 400 shared minutes, 1GB data shared (in 23 days we only manage to use 150 MB), unlimited evenings and weekend starting at 6pm, unlimited calling between plan members anytime, unlimited text/email/picture messages, Caller ID and Voicemail Plus.
About a week later I got a bill from Telus for $213.22 so of course I called their client care and they explained to me that the termination fee was the greater of $100 or $20 for each remaining month. Okay but their store rep never told me of the $100 – I’m not exactly sure how many customers go into Telus’s store with their contract in hand that was signed almost 3 years ago especially when you’re only trying to see what they have to offer you. So now their store reps are unfamiliar with their terms of termination... seeing that they have to go over this almost every day when new customers sign on I’m really not sure how exactly this wasn’t mentioned to me; the store rep had my account info and our conversion started with me telling him that my contract was up for renewal. So after half an hour on the phone explaining if it really made sense that I would chose to pay $213.22 when I could have just stayed a month more and pay $72 and I would have been free from their contract, client care decided to meet me half way... they reduced the bill to $100.22 (which I paid, not worth ruining my credit score for $100). I was only expecting Telus to charge me $40 in cancellation but I guess they had to teach me a lesson. They can rest assure that I would not use or recommend their services in the future for many reasons beyond this recent experience. This is not to say that the other guys are any better but at least they make up for it in upgrades and credits. I’ve sent my complaint to the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS), I’m not expecting anything from Telus but I just wanted to share my experience because its only through the power of social networking that companies will realize that consumers are no longer at their mercy and they need to change their behaviour.
March 15, 2010
Worst customer service EVER
I have only been a telus customer for one year, I started having issues day 2! I had Rogers service for 7 years and only switched to Telus with the enticing offer of super fast 3G service and extended coverage area (I live by water). So day 2 of having my first phone a blackberry pearl, I try to open my browser and get the message "Your browser sucks, I think its time to upgrade", so I am confused what this means and I call telus... When I explained what was on my screen the support agent right out said "your lying, it would never say that"... I could believe he called me a liar... after we corrected that issue (the girl in the store didnt sign me up for the blackberry plan when I got my BLACKBERRY) I started to enjoy my phone.. for 20 days!!! I started to notice that my email and text msgs where not being sent and received and in some cases my emails would take 12 hours to send which I cant have for work reasons. So I called telus and after over 15 hours spent talking to them I was issued phone #2 which was another pearl... so I get the new pearl and think to myself "Yeahhhh I finally get to enjoy this super great service I was told about"... NAHHHHHHH that didnt happen... when I started having the same issues with this phone plus I noticed that my calls drop constantly no matter where I am I called telus for about the 25th time in the last 4 months I have had the service... they made the suggestion that I upgrade my phone to the curve 8330 because I can take full advantage of the 3G network they bragged about, so I did (BTW the curve isnt on the 3G network, something they forgot to mention) so with my new curve I am starting to think things are looking up but that lasted less then 3 days when the same issues started to occur... after many angry calls and multiple credits I gave up for a month and a half dealing with the fact that I still have over 2 years on my contract that would cost me hundreds to cancel... so around comes the Olympics and telus advertises their telus mobile tv so you can have to convenience of watching the Olympics anywhere... I fell again and subscribed!!! WOW.. so this program does not work EVER!!! I have called and gotten now a 4th replacement and I have tried to explain MANY times that Im not having a handset issue it is defiantly a network issue!! I work in a call center and we have telus and blackberry in my building and I have spoken with friends that work in both and we all agree but when I call I get every story in the book.. I even had a agent say "I dont want to deal with this" and hang up on me and when I called right back got the same guy that told me he just hung up on me then put me on hold for 25 min hoping I would hang up when I didn't he transferred me to customer care who insisted I talk to tech support even after I told her I just did and what happened.. she didnt sound like she cared at all... I am now about to call again tomorrow morning since the escalations dept was closed today... (apparently telus doesnt have "supervisors" in tech support I have been told this MANY times on the phone, until I mention where I work and name some supervisors then its right to escalations!!) I hope I get a solution!!! I cant afford to buy out a 2 year contract... Im not asking a lot.. just live up to some sort of standards when it comes to customer service.. I just want to be treated like a human... I hold customer service at the highest of needs in a service based business and I am shocked that Telus manages to treat people this way and we have to take it... its called empathy telus USE IT!!
February 26, 2010
Customer service
We recieved a call from Telus sales department offering a deal to switch over from Rogers to Telus and they were going to give us a telus credit for the amount that we had owing on our Rogers accounts. It turned out in the end that the 2 sales reps were both not giving us the right info, they just wanted some more sales, typical! This is part of the reason we left telus 2 years ago and will never be back again. It sure is a good thing for social networking sites so that we can get the info out to all our friends about this so called friendly company. Just fyi stay away from TELUS.
January 28, 2010
Charging money when they shouldn't
Not happy with Telus Mobility. Not a happy customer! Be aware of Telus Mobilty. telus Mobilty is unfair to their customers, read below!
This is the second time (first time happened in Calgary about 9 years ago)Telus Mobility has had very unorganized customer service & now they are not honouring what they said they would do for me 1 year prior. No good Telus Mobility!
Basically, Telus Mobility said they would waive any fees related to my account because I called in to cancel one year ago...they said "oh please don't cancel, just keep the phone active". I said okay but I don't want to pay anything, they said okay we will waive all fees.
Now here is my story. I have had this account for about 4 1/2 years now. I am not in an contract with them. I completed a 3 year contract. I called in to cancel the account about 1 year ago (according to their records) I said just cancel the account please. The said they would waive the fee to keep me as a client.
So I get a call today, 1 year later. Telus is telling me that the account is in suspension. I said so, I wanted to cancel it. Telus said I owe $123. I said why, Telus said, because of the $1/month & $7.95 system access fee. Just Now! Wow!... To make things worse, I have spoken to 6 people from Telus (no exaggeration) because they need to first take it off vacation disconnect, then another person directs me to the wrong department, then I have to go to the cancellation department. Then I have to go to client care. Then I get disconnected, that's right I just got disconnected. I'm not making this stuff up folks. Telus is unorganized.
Here is why I think this is wrong. I am not in a contract. Telus has a record that I tried to cancel the account 1 year ago. I have not even used the account since that phone call. Telus is still saying they need me to pay for the account. I have asked twice for a supervisor, Telus said they were going to get one, but another girl came on the line. No Supervisor.
Telus keeps asking, what do you want to do? I said well, you called me today so I'm returning your call. Just fix it! If you need to cancel the phone, then cancel it, but I shouldn't have to pay this unfair amount.
It would be different if I was in a contract & that I racked up the bill due to usage, but I haven't. So Telus thinks that I should still have to pay!! What do you think guys?
I will probably still end up paying the fee to avoid any credit issues (Telus making unfair reports to the credit bureaus) However, until today I was going to call them back when I wanted this account. Not now. you know bad news travels faster then good! Telus should really have people in place to fix a few customer services situations. My business does!
I will never do business with Telus again, and I advise for anyone who is thinking about it, to not do business with Telus Mobility. They are very, very unorganized. Their people don't have a way to communicate with each other.
Well, I have said my bit. Please make your own decision, now my time is worth more than $123/hour so I will likely just pay the money & have a lesson learned! Respect your time!
Very unhappy with Telus Mobility! Telus Mobility ***! Telus Mobility is wrong! telus Mobility has company problems! telus Mobility has customer relation issues. Don`t do business with Telus Mobility! Be careful Telus Mobility! Telus Mobility wrongful to customer!
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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