Telus Mobility

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Category: Electronics

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197 Harper Drive. Apt 19, Shediac, New Brunswick, Canada

Phone number: 506 229 5848

Telus Mobility Reviews

AmyGO June 8, 2009
Customer Serivce
I had a LG chocolate spin cellular phone through telus. I bought it about a year ago and in the past week the vibrate would not work on the phone. I took it into telus and the lady working there, Colleen, starting fooling around with my phone. She 'acidentally' deleated everything from my phone! All my contacts, ring tones, pictures, videos... everything. I did not even have a phone number for my phone after she was done and I did not have service to my phone.

Telus did not offer me any compensation for thier mistake and left me with a phone that does not work. The only offer they made was that I could pay for a new phone even though they were the ones who deleated everything. Do not let anyone touch your phone without saving all of your contacts and any other information before hand. They are not technicians and clearly do not know what they are doing.
Mansi April 11, 2009
HTC Touch Diamond Issues - Poor Retail Store service
I bought the HTC touch Diamond smartphone in August 2008 for around $170. Since then I have had to replace the hardware 3 times - Issue - the phone was not getting charge., I also replaced the headset around 3 times and visited their retailer several times. Again from April 8th I have the same problem; I was unable to charge the phone. I went to their dealer in Mississauga, Heartland location to fix the problem. To my surprise the dealer (named JD) was very rude (And perhaps shouldn't be handling frustrated customers at first place) told me that the battery had been exposed to liquid since the paper at the bottom was red- and that my phone warranty was void. He also added that I have to pay $80 to replace the battery. He started arguing that it was totally my fault and there was nothing he could do. I was totally surprised -
1. My phone was never exposed to water or liquid, so I had no clue why the battery paper had changed color.
2. The phone had been having problems since August, and had been treated for the same charging problem several times. So, why did I receive a new model, rather than a new battery for all of those times?

Also, their Retail store customer service was very poor. We ordered a headset by visiting the store personally - after a month's period we followed up and asked if the shipment had arrived, the guy told us it was still backdated, and that we should check after a few weeks. We again called up, and it was informed to us that the order for our headset was never places and that the dealer we were talking to was going to place it now. So after waiting for another month I received a replaced headset and then that one also shortly stopped working.

My visit to their store today was a nightmare; with very poor customer service quality. "This store never carries replacement parts" they said- JD told us to go to the Yorkdale Mall store to get the battery replacement. With his share of attitude. I called their customer service rep and she transferred me to the loyalty department. The representative there offered me three options:
A) a new HTC Touch Dual for free, which I was not very exited about, since the Dual is a phone that is nowhere near as good as the one that I had before (an HTC touch diamond).
B) $200 of credit on the Samsung OMNIA, which still required me to pay $200 (since the OMNIA was $400 total) to get a new phone since the one that they originally dealt me was defective
C) $40 of credit for a new battery for my touch diamond after I pay the full price of $80. again, this would require me spending money to fix a defective phone that was still in warranty and should technically be fixed for me, free of charge.

This is also not the first time I have used cell phones, so I doubt it is a matter of not being familiar with how to use them properly. I have other 2 cell phones and they never give me problems.

I asked the person to order my new battery and for an order receipt. He was not ready to give it even though I mentioned that some of my orders had not been properly sent (refer to #3) and that I would like to be sure that this order actually got through. He wanted me to call them to find out if the part has arrived or not; which I refused to do with their poor customer service and history of not following up or placing orders properly in the first place.

For the last 8 months I have been a very disappointed customer of Telus and have received no help due to incompetence from dealers who could probably use a little more training on company policy and how to deal with frustrated customers. Its an enormous waste of time and effort to follow up on orders and deal with the hassles of getting quality service out of untrained professionals.

So, with nowhere else to turn, I need your assistance. Since I have a 3 year contract with Telus and *really* do not want to be putting up with an endless wave of problems leeching off of my time and money for the remainder of this contract.
Wayne Baillargeon April 1, 2009
My 3 year contract was finished Telus Mobility in Ontario in June/08, I DID NOT have to renew with said company again, but because I was a customer of theirs since 1986, I thought that loyalty was a good thing in any business transaction, unfortunately with telus Mobility it, s NOT !
So my cell phone was worn out to the point that I couldn't read the screen anymore so I decided to sighn again on another 3 yr. contract. When I went into a Telus Store to renew my contract and get another cell phone, the associate asked if he could see if my contract as it was previousely written would still serve my needs. He checked a history of billing and said he could save my some money if he custom made another plan for my CURRENT needs, he went on to suggest a FAVE5 plan because I was using the same 4 0r 5 numbers all the time which was true, because they were family & close friends.
So he made other minor changes along with adding this "FAVE 5" feature that was going to save me the biggest dollars on my monthly bill, well unfortunately I was my first experience with this new plan, and I didn't remember the Telus associate stressing the impotance of adding in the numbers I called the most right away, and because I had not, I ended up paying full price for these numbers I failed to add in.My first bill after signing the new cantract and changes to the contract went from average of $150.00 to over $400.00, so I was shocked to read this so i made numerouse calls to Telus, no one was interested in hearing me, or helping me sort this out and said sorry, you were supposed to go to a website and add them in. I know I was partly to blame and I told them that ( a total of more than 6 calls) and who knows how many minutes going through the automated phone jungle of theires, but I also said I thought their associate had a part in it also, why didn't he offer to help me add them on that website emediately while I was at the Telus store, seems it would have been soo simple since I was the only customer in the store at the time.Ok so after many more calls to Telus and many more minutes or hours waiting again, I got the same answer, sorry it was up to you to add those numbers in yourself. Great, now my second bill comes in, it, s almost $700.00 now, i call some more, I get more voices blaming me instead of listening to ALL the facts, so now i drive to the Telus store and ask this time if the associate would help me add those 5 numbers in my FAVE 5 so my billing will go down, LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED after his initial reluctance he ask's me for the 5 numbers and he said .. ok now, they are added in.
Finally, I think I have this thing resolved I get the 3rd. bills after sighning the new contract, now it's over $900.00, ok I call again, finally speakes to another phone rep. he says the best he can do, since he can only make adjustments on "ONE" monthes billing, he took $152.00 off. Um thanx, your too kind I said, now what about the other 2 monthes, no ajusting because he said I didn't report it right away, Humm, How many phone calls and waiting and trying to explain to these "SALES ORIENTED ONLY THINKING " phone answering associates does it take for them to actually LISTEN???
Now i, m sure you can read my frustration as I type, long story short, I tried telling them, when I went to tye Telus store to actually have the store associate add my 5 numbers, well he added them in the wrong box, he added them to a future numbers box, I waent back and asked for a copy, sure enough, he said he made a mistake, and for me to call Telus, he handed me a "customer " care..or non -care phone number., seems it was the same number i was calling all along in this going on 5 month fiasco. So, they still won't take any responsibility for their errors, and are adament that I take ALL the responsibility for the wrong that has been done, and now I tried to talk to them to make arrangements to work on paying down my bill, "or theires", because I don't have all the money to pay t off, so the last phone call to them, Mar. 31/09 they said if i can't make arrangements to pay it off in full over $(970.000), they are going to put me in collections, and I translate that to mean if i don't pay it all, they are going to ruin my credit report, now how is that going to help them?.
I guees they need to make examples of loyal customers of more than 23 years to show that no one messes with them !
I can't help but think, , , wouldn't it be easier to come to an arrangement or compramise (which is all I asked for through this whole nightmare), , , than to find and spend millions on advertising finding a "new" customer???

Very frustrated
Wayne Baillargeon
lightkeeper March 20, 2009
over charged to end contract
I had two yrs left on contact but wanted a new Blackberry Storm so went and got one. With in 5 days decide that I hated the phone and called to see if I could get some assistance, was told to wait 60 days for the new update, to which I said that after that I would could not return the phone. So I called Telus and was told that I could return the phone and have my contract put back to my 2 yrs left and then end my contract for 420.00 just go to the store which I did. Once there I treated like a fool and told that I just was not smart and should not have gotten a storm. And they did not deal with ending contracts. Any way long story short we have to pay 700.00 to end the contract, and have since learned that the manager at that store should have offered to do just that give us back our two yr contract. So we where held to hostage for the extra money. I would never go to Telus again or to that store
H Floyd March 3, 2009
Can't pay my bill cause I lost my job
My husband and I both lost our jobs due to the economy and I called Telus Mobility to let them know that I had every intention of paying my bill but I couldn't do it until either one of us started to work again. Their response was to tell me that I needed to make a payment plan with them, which is ridiculous since I can't make a promise to pay them if I haven't got the money!! I tried to reduce my monthly service plan down from $100.00 a month but they won't allow me to do that until I sart paying down the bill, but how can I do that IF I DON'T HAVE A JOB?????? I have tried 5 times now to speak with them regarding this issue and I keep getting the same crap from them and I am so frustrated and upset, they just don't care and are not willing to do anything to remedy the situation. I have been a client of theirs for over 8 years and have spent thousands of dollars with them and this is the 'cutomer support' (and I use that term loosely) I get. What can I do? I can cancel 3 of my phones with them but not until I make payments. What do I do??
Rita December 30, 2008
Terrible experience
My contract was up with Telus and I ordered a new phone, over the phone, and added their Spark 15 bundle which advertised unlimited web browsing. I received my first bill since the change which had an extra $13 for browsing. I thought it was a mistake so I contacted Telus and was informed that I could only go to certain sites with the unlimited browsing and they could not tell me where I could not go.

After I found this out I asked them to switch me back to my old plan as I had no way of knowing if I would be charged for visiting a particular site. They did this and later in the day I noticed my call display was not working so I called back. I was extremely frustrated at this point and asked how much it would cost to cancel my contract and was told $680. I was not informed of their termination policy and when I asked the account manager when I was told he responded when I signed the contract which I did not do because it was all done over the phone.

This account manager was extremely rude and when I asked to speak to another rep because I could feel myself escalating he responded with 'if you would stop being snobby and obnoxious I can help you'. I could not believe he said that and when I asked him how saying that to me was going to help to de-escalate the situation he again said 'you are being snobby, rude and obnoxious'.

I was very frustrated when speaking to him, but at no time raised my voice, called him names or swore. It does not exactly give you a could feeling when you are a paying customer and call a business customer service line and get verbally abused by the staff. I am not young, but sound younger on the phone and the rep may have thought he could get away with that which is still inexcusable. I did not realize that adults called each other 'snobby' I do not even know how you would qualify that.
November 26, 2008
I bought my phone and the battery died 6 months later. The store (Future Shop - bad decision also!!!) told me that any problems under 1 year have to be dealt with by Telus. When I contacted Telus I was told of 2 choices, local repair centres or the mail in exchange program. I contacted one of the local repair centres only to be told that if the battery was bad they would install it but it would not be free. So much for 1 year warranty!!! I was told that the only way it would be covered under warranty was through the mail in exchange program, so I contacted Telus and started the process. I was told that they don't ship only the battery, but the whole unit will be exchanged (not too happy with that, but oh well.) In a few days I received the phone and sent my old one back to them, all is well. Two months later My bill is 100 dollars more than usual, so I phond and was told that my old phone had signs of abuse so they charged the 100 bucks. My phone had no abuse whatsoever, it had never been dropped, rained on etc. When I called the exchange dept I was told that they don't asses the phone condition, but that the manufacturer does this and reports to them. When I asked to talk to the manufacturer I was told that is not possible, so I asked to have my old phone sent back and was told that is also impossible. At that point I was told that the charges WILL NOT BE REVERSED no matter what I said and asked if there is anything else they can help me with !#@$% I told them that they have just lost a customer and was told "that is your decision". Bye Bye Telus, never again.
November 18, 2008
Unfounded date usage charges
Since I became a Telus Pay and Talk client I have had various problems. Initially I could not send or receive text messages. So they gave me a new number. Then I couldn't receive picture messages. That was fixed. The main and major ongoing and never rectified problem I have had is getting charged for webbrowsing, downloading ringtones and games. When it first occured they credited me back. One day, there was approximately $5 worth of data usage charges overnight (bear in mind my phone is always on me and if not it is locked with a code and the keys are configured so that I can not "accidently" sign on to the web). I called in and they said that there is no way that this is possible. I even took the phone to the Telus store and the manager reviewed my web history and ringtones and found nothing and advised client care of her findings. They said the charges lined up with my serial number. One of the reps was really rude and accusing me of lying. I would check my balance online and see these charges and call in and get credited back and then they set up two investigations which concluded nothing. On one call I was so upset that the rep credited me $30 worth of credit - just a bandaid solution. It is clear to me that Telus Mobility is ripping people off one data usage charge at a time. The problem still has not been rectified rather the last rep gave me the unlimited web browing feature free of charge so that I can't keep track of the data usage on my transaction history. Once it expires, if the unfounded data usage continues, I will be giving up on Telus. Please note that I have talked to various family and friends and viewed many online forums in which there are many more people experiencing this problem. Thus contrary to what Telus is saying, the problem does exist and is possible.
November 12, 2008
no response after repeted requests
TYelus is supposed to Activate my hjome internet line for my internet provider. Well it's been almost 2 months, and after repeated requests from my DSL provider they seem to be ignoring those requests. They've religiously charged me for "DSL line Maintenance" but without providing the service, I think that they're bitter about me going to someone else for my internet needs. They are a con job and have made me lose complete respect for their "future is friendly" slogan
November 7, 2008
I decided to switch to a different carrier and had two cell phone numbers switched from Telus Mobility to the new carrier 6 days before my Telus contract was up. They sent me a bill for $200.00 dollars for switching. I am told by a telus employee I know that they aren't supposed to do that, but they will try. The maximum they can charge is $20.00 per phone, so $40.00 NOT $200.00. I am going to go to the CRTC and anyone else who will listen. I am tired of Telus getting away with ripping people off. Has anyone else had this problem?

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