As you may recall the real Templar's were sick of mason's and scammers using their charity number to decieve he public so they deregistered it and no longer accept monies.
Now months later the Masonic "OSMTH" sites are still asking you to donate using the real Templars defunct (OCMTH) charity number.
yes it has been reported...but in the meantime something should exist here to allow those investigating the up front knowledge that it is a OSMTH or masonic scam.
Please go to the website highlighted here and you will notice they use SC037940, this is the old real templars charity number (ocmth)this number has been defunct for months now, however these masonic fraudsters are using it to steal, it was deregistered due to others (mainly these liars) fraudulently using it and also to catch out people like this lot.
Their own osmth charity number (currently under investigation for fraud) is sc345831. not the one you seem to donate too...why?
This way they get to use someone elses number to divert funds to their own pocket and then blame another charity for losing their donations.
They are not Christians they are masons and not very principled.
They have since still claimed support from Fontes whom was originally a templar but allowed himself to be lured by the masons and thus forfeited any claim to the title as decreed by Papal Bull and the Anglican See...
So as you can see any claims to even this link by these masons are lies.
Lastly they fail to acknowledge that Fontes retired in Apr 2008 (mental health issues) and Roseria has now has the reigns of this restored Order.
Roseria has called for the expulsion of all mason's.
However the real templars are waiting to see they are all gone before acknowledging them as templar brothers again. Or is this more rhetoric from masons.
The Masonic OSMTH American's just ignored their supposed leader and then went and sought one of the ten thousand odd current persons of nobility in Germany...doesnt take much there, couple of acres.
The USA OSMTH even snubbed the Pope and all recognised Churches by copyrighting the religous titles via USA law...just the way these people work...
If the real templars wont acknowledge you ...then just get your countries legal system to invent yourself.
The USA OSMTH masonic clubs even had the foolishness to use the Old Fontes Order title in their UN recognition...They are not registered in the UN as they would have you believe, as their club uses the title "Supreme" and would be laughed at under any serious scrutiny.
But the group recognised in the UN is the Sovereign, or the Fontes group not the Carey "Supreme" masonic group ...they are all decievers, beware of their honeyed tongues... full of lies.