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Category: Family & Pets
Contact Information United States
Terminix Reviews
July 2, 2011
Killed our parrot
We had terminix out to get rid of our ant problem. A guy showed up and im pretty sure he was a new employee. Since he was out we have been getting mail asking for more business. Even we have ask not to recieve any more mail. This guy used a spray can and whatever he used killed our parrot. So, im asking you to stop sending us mail. Have a heart guys, just stop;.
We had terminix out to get rid of our ant problem!. A guy showed up and im pretty sure he was a new employee|. Since he was out we have been getting mail asking for more business:. Even we have ask not to recieve any more mail|. This guy used a spray can and whatever he used killed our parrot?. So, im asking you to stop sending us mail!. Have a heart guys, just stop.
June 16, 2011
Price increases
Has anyone noticed that the annual cost for Terminix's Termite protection plan has more than doubled since the year 2000?
The average annual increase over that perod has been 7.76%. Compare that to the rate of inflation and you will know why the Big T is so profitable.
May 28, 2011
Unauthorized appointments
This company is a rip off, they will send a bill for an unscheduled
appointments and which they sprayed the outside of my house only, because no one was at home. I will never use this company again nor reccomend this company to anyone
May 13, 2011
I set up an appointment on the 16th of April this year for Terminix to spray my home inside and out for ants. They sprayed and a wk later no results so I called back and I was told they would call me back anyway to make a long story short I've been calling and waiting for almost a month now, nobody calls me back until I tell them I want my money back. The last guy I talked to I told him I didnt want them to spray again for a third time I was tired of dealing with Terminix and their horrible customer service! He basically told me that was not an option. So I told him well fine come and spray again if you would just fix the problem I paid 140.00 for I would leave them alone. At one point they had in their records someone had been to my home and they werent. Anyway So here it is another wk and something after the last time they sprayed and I still have just as many or more ants then I did before! I know 140.00 seems like petty change to most people but I am working a full time job and a part time and my fiancee is working a full time job also. That to us is an extremely large amount of money! I just want my money back! I filed a complaint with BBB and I have taken pictures of ants crawling all over my floors all over my kitchen walls etc etc with a camera that shows the date. My question is has anyone actually got their money back without having to get a lawyer and taking them to court!? Any extra suggestions or info or anything would be greatly appriciated!
April 25, 2011
Unprofessional and Lies
We signed up for the protection plan with Terminix because we knew we had carpenter ants. The guy came out and said we had carpenter ants and powder post beetles (When he showed me what they were he pointed out were sow bugs (roly polys) . The second guy said nope those are sow bugs, but you do have powder post beetles as well. The powder post beetles live in the wood and then lay eggs and go somewhere to die. The wood that has the holes needs to be burnt outdoors in order to kill the bugs. They can live 15 years in the same places, so you won't usually see them. They are the size of a pen tip. Terminix can put something on the boards already infested, but it costs $300, and the wood would already be damaged by the bugs.
The first guy said someone needed to come out within a week and that they would call. They never called. Almost 2 weeks later, I call to make an appointment. I call the morning of the appointment to confirm and they say there never was an appointment and reschedule for later that day. I call after the appointment time frame because no one showed up and they say sorry they forgot to tell the technician. I make a 3rd appointment only to have them show up a day early while we are gone. He left a card, so I called him and let him know I made the appointment the next day. The next day (today) he does come.
According to the second guy, the spray and also drilling holes in the walls to put dust poison are covered in our protection, but tenting the house is not and would cost around $3, 000. I called the 800 number and the verified that this is the truth. (Supposedly) The first guy and the second guy the first time I asked him said spraying, dusting and tenting were ALL covered.
We need to get a crawl space door that he told me how we can make or we can use a piece of ply wood and something to keep it down like bricks, stones, etc. The places where the birds pushed the screen needs to be covered with 1/8 inch hardware cloth and stapled in place. (They aren't going to do it) We also need a vapor barrier and insulation under the house.
I'm am annoyed with Terminix since the first guy said Terminix does more than they actually do. The first guy said he'd put the screening up for the birds. Second guy said to call in 2 weeks if we are still seeing ants. The second guy gave me a slip with what he did and it has a charge for $275.99. We are paying monthly and there's not supposed to be any extra, so I called the 800 number and supposedly we are not being charged extra, but why does it say we are?
nancyin columbia
April 8, 2011
On going termite problems
I have been having on going termite problems and a worthless contract with terminix. They take my money but leave the termites.
The company must be horrible to work for because there is never the same person there 2 years in a row.
I have thousans=ds of dollars worth of repairs to do and still have termites. Do not sign up for a contract with them it is a waste of money. What a rip off!
I will be attaching picture of the damage shortly.
never again
March 7, 2011
dishonesty of employees, rip off
My horror story began in April of 1990 in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was hired to service a pest control route. At first I wondered why the employees had morale problems, and why the company had so many upset customers, as Terminix seemed to have a higher than usual customer cancellation rate. I was soon to find out...My first few weeks there didn't seem too bad, except for the fact that I was required to work off the clock a lot, as Servicemaster does NOT pay any overtime to anyone in the company. All employees were required to cross out actual hours worked on their timesheet, and to initial it in front of the manager. I also noticed that whenever we ran out of chemicals the manager told us to use water. I can honestly say I never did that to MY clients on MY route. I cared about MY customers. When I asked management about getting me a MSDS and label book for my truck, I was told that I had to put one together on my own time. It took the better part of a day to do that, but I was glad I did due to an occurance that I will mention later. By the way, It is a state law that every vehicle carrying pesticides MUST have a MSDS /label book for each chemical on the truck (in case of an accident, so cleanup crew will know how to handle it, or for a medical emergency). I noticed that none of the other service vehicles had that book in their possession either. We were never issued first aid kits either. Also the branch manager routinely transported pesticides in the trunk of his Dodge Aries. A BIG no-no per state law, as something could spill, or explode, and then the driver could cause a serious accident. I was never issued PPE(personal protective equipment) such as a respirator, neoprene gloves, goggles. I was also never furnished a bee suit for my safety, and when I had a wasp job, I was routinely unprotected. I suffered numerous stings on more than one ocassion. I was scheduled to do a "fumigation" using Vikane gas, with another technician, and was ordered by management to transport the upright container of Vikane fumigant gas in the bed of my service vehicle. There was no way to transport it upright, as I was driving a 1987 Dodge Dakota, and it was NOT modified to transport these type of containers carrying this lethal gas. The manager told me to transport it with the "tank" laying on it's side. Another big no-no. I wondered also why wasn't the local fire dept in the area of where this fumgation took place not notified of the upcoming fume??? That was also a state law as well. The manager told me not to worry about it. A few weeks later, I had to do some services about an hour away from the branch, The manager gave me a company credit card to use for fuel. I filled up my gas tank, and when I went to pay for my fuel, the card was declined. I tried for the next 20 minutes to reach both the service manager, and the branch manager to no avail. I even tried their cell phones. No luck. So, I was forced to beg the cashier to let me come back the next day and pay. He finally allowed me to do that. The next incident that occured was when I was working far away from the office that day, and I was trying to fix my sprayer. I got pesticide in my eye, and I immediately went to an Urgent Care facility. When I walked in, I handed MY copies of the MSDS/label book to the nurse, told her I got chemical in my eye, and she immediately began to treat my eye. The doctor came in and proceeded to wash out the affected eye with something called a "Morgan Lens", and he said I was lucky that I had brought in that MSDS/label on that chemical. Guess time was of the essence. I was just glad that I had the papers ready in case of an accident, and that it did not permanent damage to my eye. Good thing that I had the forethought to put together a MSDS/label book!! The next incidence occurred when I was scheduled to treat some offices on a Saturday. The account had drop ceilings, and I needed to have access to those for the service. I asked my manager all week for an OSHA approved ladder. That never happened. Seemed like we never had proper equipment for anything. I was forced to use an old wooden rickety ladder at the job site, and while I was on this ladder it collapsed sending me flying into a desk, twisting my leg halfway around upon impact of hitting the desk. I was off work for a week or 2 due to that accident, and I was never given workers comp, nor disability. I was later required to have abdominal surgery and the surgery was on a Thursday, and I was told that if I didn't return by Monday am, then I would be fired. I went to work that day, and I had absolutely NO business for being there, but I didn't want to lose my job. I couldn't even stand up straight, and all I could do was one account. I went back to the office and begged my manager if I could go home. I was in so much pain that I was crying. All he said was "What about your route"? He didnt care about me or any of the workers there. Only about that almighty dollar. I also later saw a paper that was from my file(dont ask me how I got it) that was filled out during my first interview with a prior manager. A few of the questions asked ...
1.Has applicant lived in area for over a year?
2.Is married?
3.Has dependent children?
4.Has had less than 3 jobs in the last year?
It went on to say "3 or more NO responses deems applicant ineligible for employment". So, I thought those questions were illegal?? That might be, but they are most likely still doing it. This questionare was titled 'Job stability checklist.' Well, I was ineligible cause I wasnt married, nor did I have children. NOT FAIR! A few days later after my first interview, I called to inquire about my application, and I was told that he was looking for an older man in a business suit! I thought that was illegal as well. When I again inquired about the position, he then told me that he hired a man for the job. Then towards the end of the week, he called me and said that the position was still open if I wanted it? HUH? So, he started out my relationship with a lie. I should have paid attention to the signs. I later was told that I was going to be replacing a tech that was stealing from his customers. He was collecting cash from them, and then giving them a "paid" note on their invoices, then he went to his truck, and filled out a different invoice that said amount recieved $0.00. He was pocketing the cash. Later when I was cleaning out my truck I found a bank bag with over $1200.00 in it under my seat. How could someone forget to deposit that much money?? I called my manager immediately, and turned it in to him directly. This occurred on a Saturday, and I called him at home. I still wonder to this day if it was an intentional "plant", or if someone had really forgot to take the deposit to the bank. Now, about this time one day after I got home, I checked my mail, and in the mail was a collection notice from the Urgent Care that washed out that chemical from my eye. Hmmm, apparently Terminix never paid that bill either! So, a declined company credit card, a collection notice for an on the job injury that they didn't pay? Made me wonder?? So, they were starting to make my life a living hell by now. They started to force us employees to call a customer and tell them that if they skipped or cancelled their service then we would be fired. That was just WRONG, and when I was on vacation, they gave me 2 write ups for incidents that happened with my customers when I wasn't even there! Yep, they were trying to get rid of me...That later played out to my advantage which I will tell you about later. Seems like they don't like whistleblowers, especially on safety regulations. We were given a notice by the "higher ups" that a certain pesticide. Orthene was to no longer be used, as the EPA was pulling it from the shelves, and we were not to use it anymore. Well, the local manager ordered me to use it, which I did not, and told us techs that we had a whole case of it left in the chemical room, and to use it up. We locked horns on that one too. I refused to use it. The next item I am still in shock to this day about...I stopped by the office late one night to drop off invoices from that days work so that I didn't have to do it in the early morning. What I saw blew me away...There was a salesman at the office managers computer deleting salesmens names from contracts that these other salesmen worked on, and sold, and he was putting his name and employee number on them so that he would get the commission instead of the employee who sold it. He was also "cancelling" active accounts and then reinstating them under his name also, so that he would get the commission on those too. Yep, dishonesty at ALL levels. Did I mention that this dishonest salesman was also a Lt in the US Navy Reserve, and I do know his name, and whereabouts as well. So, if there is anyone out there that works in the JAG office on any military installation, I would be interested in talking to you. I think this is conduct unbecoming an officer, and he should be given a dishonorable discharge, as if the military finds out that an officer did this, they would most likely get rid of him. Do you feel safe at night knowing that a thief like this is defending our great nation? Not me! So, when Terminix decided to "clean house" I was given another invalid and bogus write up again, and fired. I took them to court under wrongful termination, and I won my unemployment against them. Chalk one up for the little guy! So, I will let you make your own decision on letting this dishonest company...Servicemaster, Terminix, Merry Maids, Tru-Green Chemlawn, American Home Shield anywhere near your home. Your home is your biggest investment. Don't let these turkeys near it, or any of these companies that I just mentioned which are ALL owned by Servicemaster. In closing, Do you really want to trust any of these companies in your home knowing that such dishonesty exists at ALL levels? You can decide the answer to that. Save your money and go with a reputable company. There are pest control companies and exterminators out there that really do care about their work. Too bad that the Servicemaster chain of companies and Terminix aren't one of them!
February 14, 2011
Switch and Bait Masters
SWITCH AND BAIT CO. Terminix is by far the largest rip off company I have ever used.I had a inspection, it was set up my my real estate agent. After there so called bargain inspection (that was the sales mans response to my complaint )I charged you only $100 for the inspection. So he did. Then he gave a bid for the work to do, I used him for only one of the iteams as it was a Condo and all else was covered by HOA. They added $1000.00 to the $450.00 bid. The work was just what the bid said, nothing was found different then bid. BUT $1000.00 WAS ADDED . That would have been $450.oo a hr. KARMA IS A COMPANY THAT BELLYS UP.
November 11, 2010
Questionable Business Ethics
Terminix is all about the bottom line: MONEY. Here are some examples:
* As a former service manager, I can tell you that pesticides are rationed according to how well the branch is doing financially (so, for example, many times your pest control technician doesn't have enough pesticides to properly treat your problem because it's not cost effective for the branch to buy the stuff)
* It's all about dollars per hour. Every single morning, the branch manager meets with his service managers about how the pest control technicians did the previous day in terms of time spent on service calls vs. dollars earned. If a technician spends too much time at your house, the managers will know it. When I was a manager, we wanted to see a technician spend no more than 15 minutes per service call. This, of course, is not at all sufficient. It takes at least 15 minutes just to inspect the premises for pest problems, let alone treating any infestations
* The technicians are improperly trained. There is such a high rate of technician turnover at Terminix that new employees are rushed through the pest control and safety "training". This mainly consists of watching a bunch of videos. Then, the new technicians will be tutored on exactly what is on the pest control certification test required by the state. They will be taught, in essence, how to beat the test but they won't really know anything about pest control when it's over. A popular saying among Terminix service managers is that their pest control technicians take the "spray and pray" approach to pest control. You don't want that. You want someone who knows how to identify pests and their behaviors before determining the best way to get rid of them.
* Termite sales people are taught how to mislead you, scare you, and otherwise suggest that you have termites in order to get you to pay large amounts of money to treat the "termite infestation" that you allegedly have. If a Terminix sales person says you have termites, call a second company and tell them that Terminix said that you have termites and you want another opinion. The second company will likely tell you the truth if Terminix is lying- mainly because every pest control company hates Terminix. We used to have sales people that took live termites to people's houses, hidden in a jar, and show then show them to the customer as proof that they had a problem. Totally unethical.
* Don't buy the Sentricon termite bait stations. It's a waste of money and it is not at all effective. They do not draw termites to them- the only termites that get in there are the ones that happen to be burrowing right near the bait stations. Other termites could just as easily be drawn to the wood of your house. It's a scam.
* Always - ALWAYS - be home when Terminix pays you a service call. They will try to convince you to take the service when you're not home. Don't let them. The technician will come there, do nothing, sign the paperwork and put it in your door.
* When you cancel your account, get it in writing. If necessary, drive to the branch location and make the customer service rep give you a copy of the canceled contract. Terminix is notorious for continuing service, saying it was a misunderstanding, and then sending you to collection when you refuse to pay for service that you did not want because you had already been assured that your account was cancelled.
* Area managers and Branch managers are encouraged, and shown how to, refuse to compensate you for any damages your house incurs from termites- even though you are supposedly covered under their "guarantee".
In short, Terminix is not only the most unethical company I have ever had the displeasure of working for, but they are well known to their competitors in the pest control industry as being the most underhanded company out there. STAY FAR, FAR AWAY
Wind S
October 25, 2010
Rude service
We (my family) currently use Terminix in Texas at our family vacation home, and we are happy with the technician and the service. My husband and I recently scheduled an appointment in California at our home.
When I contacted Terminix initially, I advised them that we were having problems with ants, and another bug common to the area, known as a “wind spider.” The “wind spiders” have been on the ground and on the exterior walls of the house. Since one of the “wind spiders” found its way into our bedroom, we decided to call and have our home treated. Terminix advised me that they employed entomologists, and that their field technicians were very knowledgeable. Terminix stressed “customized solutions.”
When the technician (Jason) arrived he seemed hurried and asked what bugs we were having problems with? We explained the problem with the ants and the bug “wind spider.” He said he could spray for ants and said, “I have been doing this a long time…I haven’t heard of that other one.” I told him ants weren’t the biggest problem, they were equal to the problem with the “wind spider.” I told him Terminix ensured that the technician would know how to treat the bugs. I further informed him that prior to his arrival, I used Google to research the name “wind spider” and hundreds of photographs and information were available. He said, “Terminix will promise you the world...but in reality we get out here and it’s a different story.” He didn’t have any interest in figuring out how to rid our property of this insect.
I then told him Terminix uses some sort of a gel based solution to kill the bugs and scorpions in Texas and asked him if he knew about that solution, since it might be able to be used for this “wind spider.” He said, “I don’t know what they are doing in Dallas!” Our home is not in Dallas and this is just another example of his poor attitude and representation of Terminix.
At that point we weren’t willing to sign a yearlong contract, or even have the technician treat the house at all.
I called Terminix on the toll free number after he left, to complain about the service and the technician. I was informed that his direct supervisors were either Randy or Ron. Terminix said they would leave a message for his supervisors. Since I did not get a call back on Monday, I called Terminix back on Tuesday October 5th. I left another similar message. On Thursday October 7th I called Terminix again since I had not yet received a call. On Friday Ron called me and I spoke to him about the incident.
Unfortunately you have an employee that is poor representation of Terminix.
Ironically later in the day on the Saturday that your technician was at our house, I met an exterminator at a local gas station. He was in his work truck with the name of his company on the side. I asked him if he had a business card and asked him if he knew what a “wind spider” was. He said that indeed he did.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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