Don't be fooled. The Blade Shop and Tactical Gun Armory are the same company. In ignorance, I purchased items from both companies, a few years apart. Both companies charged my debit card immediately but had no stock to send. "On backorder" is their line after you make your purchase. After a few months I cancelled the first order. It took me 3 years to get that money back. No interest, no thanks, no "we're sorry". It was like pulling teeth to get my money back from these thieves. I'm still in the process with the Tactical Gun Armory order. I have a year or two to go; I figure. If I get my money back, if ever.
Please don't make the same mistakes as me! These companies are a scam! As far as I can figure they take orders, take the money, do as they wish with it (I'm guessing invest it or illegal activities) then put you off until they feel like dealing with you; if at all. I'm amazed that the state of Tennessee hasn't shut them down; gone through their records and refunded the customers long ago!