October 25, 2009
Bob Plimpton's slogan "Freedom is Fun" should read "Ripping People Off is Fun". I emailed Bob Plimpton after finding his website online. I asked him about assistance with debt collections. He stated that he could help and that if he couldn't he would refund my money. He never did one single thing to assist me and will not refund my money. His reply when I asked for a refund was Have Fun. This scam also caused more problems with debt collections because he stated that he was working on this for me and that I should not respond to the debt collector. Bob Plimpton is the persona that works this scam but he hides behind a company that he claims protects him form litigation (The Boaz Trust) of 378 Northlake Blvd., Ste. 300 North Palm Beach, FLORIDA. Phone: 1-561-253-8828 If you want to see more about Bob Plimpton check out this out: http://chuckgallagher.wordpress.com/.../drowing-in-debt-eliminate-it-founders-of-nationwide-debt-elimination-scheme-dorean-group-sentence... 1. Andrew M Says: I am writing to report the current activities of one Joyce Earl Delancy Lambeth a.k.a J.E.D Lambeth who i just found out was prohibited from engaging in deceptive commercial practices offering fraudulent mortgage elimination services to residents of North Carolina in 2005 together with members of the Dorean Group This said individual has now spread his tentacles to defrauding victims from out of state of which my wife is now tragically a victim of through an anti-establishment group called Sovereigns Without Subjects (www.sovereignswithoutsubjects.com)in conjunction with one Bob Plimpton(www.bobplimpton.com) who sold mortgage elimination kits to my wife for over $500 . Falsely using bible scriptures to coarse their victims, my wife was drawn into all this in her bid to win custody of her kids from her ex-husband. She was taken advantage of due to her desperation to have her kids and her vulnerability at the time. In the process of pretending to help my wife get her kids back she was also sucked into participating in their fraudulent mortgage elimination schemes as well as other law breaking endeavors, in exchange of strings of fees they termed donations, that has my wife now sitting in jail convicted for the felonous crime of custodial intefference and has also lost her home in a trustee sale after this said individual convinced(brainwashed her) into stop paying her mortgage bills and also provided her with strings of fraudulent documents that got her convicted for custodial intefference and also documents that adviced her not to attend court that also has her facing charges for bailing jumping, also a felony in Montana. This is a woman who has not once in her lifetime been in trouble with the law; not even a traffic ticket. I am trying to expose the criminally fraudulent activities of this said individual and his group in order to hopefully somehow put a stop to their life destroying schemes. My wife has now lost not just time and money she dedicated into the activities of this said individual and his group but also her career(as a Montessory teacher), her house(which was sold for a fraction of what it was actually worth because this said individual and his group convinced her not to communicate with the bank and mortgage companies), her children(she has not been allowed to see them since these said individual and his group filed frivolous documents that made here keep them beyond the stipulated time with the false impression that theyre now permanently hers), her freedom (as she is now sitting in jail awaiting sentecing for custodial interferrence) as well as her reputation (as a well known and respected Montessori teacher in Livingston, Montana as she now is a convicted felon charged with a second felonious crime of bail jumping; all from the advice of these people). I hope somehow this people can be stopped before they destroy more homes and lives like they have just done to mine. Consumers Beware !!!