This was the second time in six years I have been approached so forcefully I felt I was being held captive by creepy meat people. I was forced into buying food I didn't want or could afford this past Wed. night. I am very pissed off and still stressed by this episode.
My son was out front riding his bike, and our front door was open...big mistake! I should have known when the creepy creeperton selling the meat who was acting like this was the last case he had and if he didn't sell it he was not going to make any money that day...What a crock of shit!
He was breathing rapidly, sweating, and looked like a crack head. I never feel the need to give a review, but I wanted to send out a warning that these people will not give up trying to get you to buy their garbage, and before I knew it he was pushing the meat case into my door and telling me that "Here I'm giving this to you at 75% off ..don't tell my boss, he's in the truck"...He kept saying "God bless you mamm", and talking about how nice my house was. CREEPY!!! When I told them I didn't have any money as an excuse ..he said i'll take cash..or even a post dated check.
I never expected to be duped soooooo bad while I have been educated by the news about these types of creepy people. I guess the only thing I can say is that I can not better prepare myself if I am ever in this situation again.