I ordered an Ed Hardy shirt from these gentleman on April 20, 2009. The price was reasonable and they claimed they were offering a brand new style shirt. My credit card was charged prior to the indication that it had been shipped. The company indicated that it shipped on April 23, 2009 and provided a UPS tracking number. The number was invalid for over a week. I called the number listed on the website and a very nice gentleman did answer and promised my item would ship out the next day. Well a few days later I received an E-mail stating that my item had actually shipped, this was a week and half after my credit card had been charged. A few days thereafter the UPS tracking number was valid and my item was supposed to be in transit, which was on May 1, 2009. In the interim, I had sent and E-mail, again, reiterating my frustration with the long ship time. On May 5, 2009, I received a reply to my E-mail which stated: "Lady, What is Wrong With You?!?! We shipped your item and gave you a tracking number. Lay off on the emails."
I responded thank you but was frustrated. I received my item the next day. It was white. I ordered a black shirt. It being an Ed Hardy shirt was supposed to read: LOVE KILLS SLOWLY. Instead it read: LOVE KILLS SLOWL. There was no Y at the end of the word. Naturally, I sent an E-mail complaint and doubt if I will ever hear from the company again and quite frankly do not care at this point.