The Congress of the United States has misused the trust of the American people and it will effect generations to come. The Govoner of Arizona has asked you to sue the Federal Gov. I am, as an Arizonan asking you to do your job to ensure the security of our state to file against the Socialized Health Care.
I am a Dem and will be involved in all future elections - I hope you stand for Freedom as most Americans do!! We need less Gov. in America not more. It does not take an idiot to see what is going on in ER rooms in hospitals in AZ. My Grandson was born in 1989 - it cost tax payers $500, 000 - paid for by tax payers!! His mother has never been made to pay one penny, not one cent of that bill! Before she ever saw him she was in formed of all her benifets from ACESS including - yet not limited to free medical, money, clothes, food, daycare and much more.
This New Law is going to bankrupt out State - it doesn't take a idiot to see how it is going to effect Arizonans, but all Americans. Doctors in Tucson are already telling their clients they are retiring or not taking on new Medicad clients.