I saw the Media Max website months before i decided to join and intuitivly i felt suspicious about storing photos online. Turns out my intuition was right on the mark. I stored over a 100 photos of a dear Brasilian friend of mine and her friends when they were visiting Flagstaff Arizona at the time. Beautiful photos all lost of the Grand Canyon and of my friend. I am very upset about this. I tried to login with the correct information i set up with MediaMax/The Link up earlier in 2008. Their sytem refused to let me in. I just uploaded all the photos in March 2008. I too was not notified by email of the company name change. I check my email accounts often. I am disgusted and sad that this company has lost, destroyed and erased our files that we the public have entrusted to them. They promised on their former Media Max website that all files uploaded would be safely and securely stored on their servers/systems.
They lied and therefore they should be sued for deception.