I have had the same experience today, as many other people where the loan-centre.net took £47.50 out of my account completely unexpected.
After several emails back and forward asking them to cancel my membership and refund fee, and them telling me they had fulfilled my membership by offering products under terms and conditions, I sent a final email stating that under their terms and conditions I had a right to cancel my membership within 14 days. I found their terms and conditions on their website and directly quoted this to them. I also advised I was very unsatisifed and was going to make a formal complaint, which I am still inclined to do.
Eventually, I received an email to state I was entitled to cancel within 14 days of receving the terms and conditions. I never did recieve these but am still within timescales as my application was completed 5th Oct. They have attached a 'cancellation authority' form which I need to return in timescales and they say they will refund the fee.
People need to be aware to take this approach or you will be fobbed off with emails saying they have fulfilled their obligations and never directly telling yu of your right to a refund and to cancel this. I would imagine the cancellation form is not readily accessible either. They call the membership fee an initial one which makes me wonder how many more payments they were going to take, as apparently this was only for 1 month membership.
I will be sending this form back by recorded delivery as I have lost all faith and don't want to be in a position later where they might say they did not receive it within timescales, if I have no proof of the day I sent it, or that they signed for it.
Under the terms and conditions there is also an address for them, as people have said this informaton is not forthcoming.
I will have to wait and see if I do get a refund and I will have a wait for this, but if it is not received the matter will be taken further.