Hi, A lot of moms are out there trying to make money on line... let me tell you that this is not the place to start.
When I started I had high hopes, they make it sound easy, they say they provide you with support, but in reality, its not good.
I had to go to my site, if there was a contact, you had to call your enroller, if she didn't have time, you had to set an appointment with her, then you had to call her then and talk to her about your contact, then you had to make an appointment to call the contact with her if she couldn't do it then, then you called the contact to make an appointment to talk to her about the business, but she does the call for you and you use your three way calling to do this... it takes too long, when there is a contact like this, you need to enact.. it takes up to a week before you can speak to them, and then you usually loose it because she has lost interest!
I never made it past the training, and I didn't all the info to do it on my own.
And trying to quit this company is ridiculous... I thought for sure that it was canceled, and then the next thing i new, there was the package... and whats worse is that even though the payment didn't go through, they sent it anyways!!!
And if you speak to people, you are not allowed to mention Melaleuca, and you are not allowed to talk to people about the products. If you are caught doing this, they would have you thrown out of the mom team.
They claim that most of what we use has this Q15, a chemical used to preserve things, formeldahyde, and they do not have it... they list many products that does, and after I got looking, I only found a few things in my house that does, one is johnsons and johnsons baby wash, but i never found any in my soaps, shampoos or lotions, and i can buy baby wash and bubble bath elsewhere cheaper.
They are not all they seem. Some of the lines of the MOM team run a little differently. I feel that I was being dishonest. If I can not stand up and be proud of my business and of their products, I don't want to be a part of it!
I followed everything to the letter, and still i ended up not getting any of the bonuses i was supposed to get or anything else...
Now how do I get out of it!!