Craig Wyld searches for clients at business networking events promising tried and trusted methods to support small businesses to grow sales and profit through his Rapid Results Program. His fees are in the range of $3000 for which you receive:
A one hour consultation/fact finding interview
An information folder containing unremarkable and largely rehashed exercises to identify marketing shortfalls
The promise of a personalised marketing/action plan
Up to 6 months open access coaching
What you get is the marketing shortfall you have identified with no real actions to remedy and nothing resembling what marketing experts would consider constitutes a marketing plan. What was provided was a commentary on the shortfalls and trite motivational tips such as placing visionary pictures around your home/office.
If you get three hours of his effort to produce these results you should consider yourself lucky. Repeated attempts to get Craig to deliver what he promises only result in excuses and further failure to deliver.
$1000 per hour for no results is bad value in anyones book. I would strongly urge anyone considering using The Profit Doctor that this would be a non profitable exercise.