To all of you that harass me:
I have had enough. You people are sick to keep harassing people the way you do. You steal my name, post pretending to be me, make up disgusting things about me and I have had it. You call me a stool pidgeon and accuse me of things I have not done, and that I have multiple usernames that I dont have. I Have not said anything to anyone about anything. I have never tried to get anyone kicked off from here. I will not join My3Cents just to be harassed by you there. I have no reason to want to go there at all. All I want is to be left alone. I want you people to stop with this. I'm willing to stop the childish games and leave you people alone from now on, but I want the same courtesy, I want you people to stop taking my name and harassing me, and making things up about me.
I have been recieving harassing emails from several of you, including the people to claim that I snitched to (mind you I have not snitched to anyone), and I'm tired of all of this. I know you'll just see this and just post and harass me here as well but at least I'm willing to stop this nonsense. I'm sick of you people ganging up on others the way you do to me and I want this to stop. I'm not going to mods or CB staff, I'm asking you myself to stop this. I'm not trying to get you kicked off. All I want is to be left alone.