This is to all business owners who advertise in the real yellow pages. I have just recieved my real yellow page book . there is no white pages or residential numbers in the new book for 2010. I have been advertising in the yellow pages for 25 years. It has alway's been my bread and butter. my business targets the elderly mostly. but i do get calls from younger people to. the yellow pages did not even let me or my other business friends know that they where going to seperate the yellow pages from the residential pages. for most of my costomers they want a phone book with residential and buisness numbers together. So I called the att rep on the phone thinking this is some kind of mistake. The rep told me that this year there going to do a test, I said wow without even notifing the busines owners who advertise. She even agreed with me. I think this is called deceptive advertising. The attorney general should get involed and start a class action lawsuit.
Oh i also called anoter rep and was told that most people have cell phones now and white pages are obsolete. My older customes doe even like the new computer age. They tell me there to old to change. Which I agree. But the bottom line is the real yellow pages didn't even let the small business people who pay for the book in the first place. Shame on the real yellow pages!!!