Simon Wilby is a complete and cunning con-artist. After ripping off millions of dollars of investors money from the Hear Now Inc. he has started another scam company called The Smartpower Inc. He has establised this company in Barbados and claims to have patented technology with regards to solar charging of mobile phones and other peripheral portable devices. This is all false and a rip-off scam so report any contact to your local police fraud department. If you know or have met Simon Wilby his demeanor and personal traits fit the common characteristics of those with psychopathy such as:
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Superficial charm
Criminal versatility
Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others
Impulse control problems
Inability to tolerate boredom
Pathological narcissism
Pathological lying
Shallow affect
Aggressive or violent tendencies, repeated physical fights or assaults on others
Lack of empathy
Lack of remorse, indifferent to or rationalizes having hurt or mistreated others
A sense of extreme entitlement
Lack of or diminished levels of anxiety/nervousness and other emotions
Promiscuous sexual behavior, sexually deviant lifestyle
Poor judgment, failure to learn from experience
Lack of personal insight
Failure to follow any life plan
Abuse of drugs including alcohol
Distace yourself from this con-man at all costs!!