Received letter from the national lottery, 1010, Liverpool. L70 INL. United Kingdom. Ref: XYL/2651040103/07. Batch: 60/00611/Sat.
Congratulating me on winning ticket number 43855600514852 - serial nr. 7403/07. That I have been approved to claim 402,863 pound. I then had to contact agent: James Keegan. e-mail: [email protected] then referred me to - accounts controller- Teddy Martins. Tel nr:+447045721876. e-mail: [email protected]. Where upon I was given instructions to send 150 pound to Antonia Bisnouth, 873 Canada Square, London, E14 5HQ. I was then given a so called account with 1bankofengland. Now I still have to send 3,500 pound before the money can be transferred to my account. Is their any way you can be of assistance even just to get my 150 pound back. My cellphone nr: +27 798053947. It would have been so wonderful to really have won this money, but now it seems like a scam.
Thanking you in advance.
Elize Harris. ( Heila Elizabeth Harris) RSA