The University of Texas

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The University of Texas Reviews

BenL51 May 14, 2010
Illegal discrimination, workplace mobbing, conspiracy against rights, and duplicity
This complaint report is for educational and informational purposes only. This is also in exercise of my first amendment rights to exercise freedom of speech. That right allows me to express opinion, judgments, and substantial truth about matters pertaining to my own experiences and observations as a consumer. The intent of this complaint is to educate the public on workplace hostility, civil rights violations, and duplicity that Dr. LaToya Hill perpetuates without remorse or shame. I also demand a public apology but I doubt that will happen. PLEASE EXPOSE ILLEGAL DISCRIMINATION AND RETALIATION TO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Tel.: (214) 661-9600. YOU CAN REPORT ANY EMPLOYEE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN TO THAT OFFICE. SPYING AND INFORMANT SYSTEMS ARE A VIOLATION OF THE 4TH AND 5TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO FAIR DUE PROCESS AND TO BE SECURE IN YOUR FILES AND PERSONS. Dr. LaToya Hill violates those civil rights with the behavior concerns advice line and with the use of university "moles" and she has no guilt or shame about it. In my experiences she lied confidently through her teeth on more than three occasions. She spoke with evasive obfuscation to deter me from exploring into the corruption that she has hidden behind smoke and mirrors. She also partakes in blacklisting and extremely poor customer service. And that reflects very poorly on her character. She is not only untrustworthy but a truly evil human being. I WOULD NOT SUPPORT THIS UNIVERSITY FINANCIALLY.

Dr. LaToya Hill is the assistant dean of students at The University of Texas at Austin. According to the UT at Austin website she oversees the nondiscrimination policy and is a liaison for graduate students. She also oversees other obligations such as the behavior concerns advice line (BCAL) 512-232-5050 and is the chair of the campus-wide behavior assessment team.

She selectively uses the investigation process to harm, oppress, and harass males, ethnic minorities, gays, whistle-blowers, and dissenters. She thinks that she can get away with abuse of power and incompetence because she is black and female. Unfortunate for her, gender discrimination (selective hostility against males) is also illegal.

I believe Stalinism plays a huge part in Dr. LaToya Hill's management style. Stalinism implies an inherently oppressive system of extensive government spying, extrajudicial punishment, and political "purging", or elimination of political opponents through exile, and it involves a state making extensive use of propaganda to establish a personality cult. ( 2009)

In my experience Dr. LaToya Hill was not only bigoted, disgruntled, and ruthless but she facilitated cause stalking (Lawson 2007) and mobbing(Davenport, Schwart, and Elliott, 2009) with her informant system and behavior concerns advice line. Mobbing and cause stalking (stalking by proxy/gang stalking/spying) are a combination of group harassment, discrimination, and spying in order to oust, exile, and ruin a targeted individual academic experience and livelihood. The goals of mobbing are to "force someone to adapt to a group norm, revel in animosity, gain pleasure out of boredom, and to reinforce prejudices." (Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott, 1999, 58-59). Mobbing behaviors can include "No help, promises are made and not kept, no eye contact is made with you, contact is minimized or avoided with you, you are ignored, gestures that signal humiliation, talking behind your back, communication via email that should be discussed face-to-face, having your work checked by someone unqualified to do so, policies changed or not followed, mixed messages, you are made to look inconsistent, you are set up, those supportive of you are discredited, an environment of paranoia is created, giving you tasks that you have not been adequately prepared to assume, and attacks on your private life"(Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott, 1999, 46-47).

People that are often mobbed out of universities and corporations are usually whistle-blowers, gays, ethnic minorities, appear different, express differences, or they may have traits that the group or clique does not agree with. Other reasons why people engage in mobbing is because of envy, and religious or political differences that shatter group think, group narcissism, extremism, or collectivism.

Sometimes lies are told about the targeted individual to convince the university "moles" to pursue stalking and harassing against the targeted individual, lies such as insinuating the targeted individual is a pedophile or a dangerous criminal can make harassers eager to engage in mobbing and spying. Harassers and stalkers may also be rewarded and protected by the instigator (in this case deans or professors).

You will notice that most of the professors and students that I reported for illegal discrimination were given rewards immediately upon my complaint. They were also protected and helped while I was not.

People who engage in mobbing and gang-stalking usually have an inferiority complex. They are disgruntled and angry and are looking for a scapegoat because they feel depressed and bitter. The people leading the mobbing and cause stalking are usually narcissists of some type (overt, covert, or inverted). They have no empathy, they can only associate with those deemed special, they exploit weaknesses, are often arrogant, and have an obsession with power and control. In my experiences Dr. LaToya Hill was a narcissist. And that is truly unprofessional and unfortunate.

Administration and professors form group narcissism using cult tactics of thought and behavior control. One of their goals is to get the targeted individual (whistle-blower, gay, etc.) to become suicidal or mentally ill so that they can entrap them into a mental health facility. That is also called The Martha Mitchell Effect. At the worst their goal is to get the targeted individual to become severely paranoid so that he or she commits a crime or a violent crime against others so that he or she goes to prison. Sometimes workplace shootings and deaths occur because the targeted individual is being stalked, harassed, and spied on for very long period of time. That is how whistle-blowers and dissenting ethnic minorities are sabotaged and ruined. Dr. LaToya Hill tried doing that to me. And she offered me no explications or compassion when I confronted her about this. She is pure evil.

Please use websites and books to learn more about cult-mind control or indoctrination. You can learn at and Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer is one of the leading experts in cult-mind control: "1. Keep the person unaware that there is an agenda to control or change the person. 2.Control time and physical environment (contacts, information) 3. Create a sense of powerlessness, fear, and dependency. 4. Suppress old behavior and attitudes. 5. Instill new behavior and attitudes 6. Put forth a closed system of logic." (Singer 1995 64)

Cult universities or cult corporations use fascist collectivism to establish immediate conformity. "Ten cultic techniques are probably used by the leader of your corporation. Submission to leadership, polarized world view, feeling over thought, manipulation of feelings, denigrations of critical thinking, fulfillment can be realized only in the group, the ends justify the means, group over individual, severe sanctions for defection or criticism of the cult, and severing ties with outsiders." (Dr. Dave Arnott 2000, 125-128)

Administrators, faculty, and student employees use guilt and other cultic techniques to foster group-think, group narcissism, and collectivism:

"Deny a person the information he requires to make sound judgments, and he will be incapable of doing so. People are trapped in destructive cults because they are not only denied access to critical information but also lack the properly functioning internal mechanisms to process it. People are not allowed to talk to each other about anything critical of the leader, doctrine, or organization. Members must spy on each other and report improper activities or comments to leaders. Those who could provide the most information are the ones to be especially shunned. Information is usually compartmentalized to keep members from knowing the big picture." (Steven Hassan 1988, 65)

"Guilt is probably the single most important emotional lever for producing conformity and compliance. However, most cult members can't see that guilt and fear are being used to control them. They are so conditioned always to blame themselves that they respond gratefully whenever a leader points out one of their shortcomings. Members are taught never to feel for themselves or their own needs but always to think of the group and never to complain. They are never to criticize a leader, but criticize themselves instead. Confessions of past sins or wrong attitudes is a powerful device for emotional control, too. Of course, once you have publicly confessed, rarely is your old sin forgiven or forgotten. The minute you get out of line, it will be hauled out and used to manipulate you into obeying. Anything you say can and will be used against you. The misuse of behavior modification techniques - reward and punishment - fosters a feeling of dependency and helplessness." (Steven Hassan 1988, 63-64)

Dysfunctional organizations will also use mobbing to force diverse people and whistle-blowers to conform to a depressing collective filled with group-think and spying behaviors. "Mobbing creates prejudice, withholds information in order for you not to complete your job, isolates you physically and socially, holds meetings about your work without your presence, changes rules frequently, portrays the victimized person as being at fault, engineered to discredit, confuse, intimidate, and force the person into submission, and committed with the intent to force the person out." (Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott. 1999, 41-44).

The ultimate goal at the university of Texas at Austin is not to accept and welcome diverse ideas and diverse people but to force diverse people to conform to a rigid white Anglo majority belief pattern. Their goal is collectivism not individualism or pluralism. Philosopher Ayn Rand describes collectivism in understandable terms:

"Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to its own interests. The only way to implement a doctrine of that kind is by means of brute force and statism has always been the political corollary of collectivism." - Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness "Racism", The Virtue of Selfishness, 128

Gaslighting is another vital component to mobbing. Psychologist Robin Stern states Gaslighting is the systematic attempt by one person to erode another's reality, by telling them that what they are experiencing isn't so - and, the gradual giving up on the part of the other person. The Gaslight Effect happens when you find yourself second guessing your own reality, confused and uncertain of what you think, because you have allowed another to define reality and tell you what you think -- and who you are. Gaslighting can be maddening in the early stages and soul destroying when it fully takes hold. (Stern 2007)

In 2007 I went to Dr. LaToya Hill's office to obtain information about food services and she simply stared me down in disgust and refused to answer any of my questions. I was offended and shocked by her disgraceful and unprofessional behavior. She did not inform me about any objective problems that she had with me at that time, so I assumed that she is the one with the miserable disposition and displaced her anger onto me. She was also very evasive and flippant when I probed her for information.

In early 2008 I informed her of discrimination and harassment in regards to students that were treating me in a non-inclusive manner in class because of my minority status and probably for reasons instigated by a bitter faculty member that instructed the students to ignore me. The important aspect that needed to be addressed was that the students were creating a hostile learning environment for me and Dr. LaToya Hill did not want to hear anything about it. She refused to do anything about it. She did not collect further information, she did not ask me for information, she did not show care or concern, she did not provide me with information that would help me, she did not help protect my rights as a minority student nor as a student that perceived that harassment was occurring, and she did not offer me any advice. Her subordinate with the name of M that works in the same office was also informed but refused to do anything about it and refused to help protect my rights as a student. M received a few messages by me questioning why she did not assist me with discrimination, harassment, and civil rights concerns. I also informed her of the monetary and academic damage that was done. That very same day a police officer called my house to harass me about not questioning M any further and to simply report it to equal opportunities services. That was a clear example of conspiracy against rights. Unfortunately, the equal opportunities services department is in liaison with the corrupt Dr. LaToya Hill (conflict of interest)and they are supervised by the UT System. So naturally they are going to hide and distort information to protect their evil-minded employees. The equal opportunities services did not offer to refund my tuition for the entire semester that I received harassment in the form of non-inclusion, verbal abuse, discrimination, and spying which I believe also violated my fourth and fifth amendment rights. I received no apologies or explanations. The human resources were given dates, names, and details; however, it seemed that they only wanted to collect information for selfish purposes that did not benefit me as a damaged and abused consumer. There were no incentives for me to continue providing details to the equal opportunities attorney named Dr. Green. She is also evasive. And you have to probe her for details.

After several of my persistent complaints had reached the Dean of Students office, in December of 2008 Dr. LaToya Hill finally informed me to fill out forms so that she could take care of the discrimination problem. I filled out the forms, sent them to her, and she sent me an email several weeks later informing me that she couldn't do anything about it. She also stated in a 2009 email "This was traumatic for you." It was traumatic yet absolutely nothing was done. I did not get my tuition money back or get any apologies for the damage that was done.

I believe all of this chaos was instructed by token minority Dr. LaToya Hill and her supervisor Dr. Bill Powers Jr., an ex-board of director from the failed company Enron. Dr. LaToya Hill hides behind her black skin and female gender. She thinks that nobody is going to call her out for being a corrupt "gatekeeper" who's job is to selectively harass and mob out select students that are deemed whistle-blowers or diverse.

The token minority Dean of Students Dr. Soncia Lilly who is also black did not offer me any help, information, suggestions, or problem solving. Because those professionals did not bother helping me and were rude I believe that they instigated the mobbing and stalking against me. I'm curious as to why they even accepted me into college there. My thought is that they needed a scapegoat. Their university is in shambles and they have multiple interpersonal problems that are not associated with me. The fact that a police officer called me to instruct me to file a report to equal opportunities when I had simply expressed my first amendment rights in regards to questioning discrimination practices is also very intimidating and oppressive to me. It was a clear experience of conspiracy.

Other examples of discrimination and harassment that occurred at the University of Texas at Austin was when Professor Michael Mackert shouted at me in a psychopathic manner "FIRE AWAY. I WILL NOT HELP YOU. I KNOW THE STUDENTS BLOCKED YOU OUT!! at the time of a meeting that I had scheduled with him to discuss discrimination.

Another example of harassment is when a few student workers both by the name of Kelly started telling me You don't have to come to class and You don't have to be here and If you move somewhere else in Austin your house will be broken into on a repeated and regular basis. The last example of discrimination is when I noticed that some professors would unfairly grade my work and not provide objective feedback. I also compared my work with other students and noticed I had satisfied the same exact requirements but I had got twenty points less on my assignments. When professors were questioned they did not respond to emails or phone calls.

At one point a professor by the name of Dr. Marina Choi obtained a rough draft survey from a group that she thought was mine taken from another class project to publicly criticize it in an angry and hateful manner in front of a class that I was in. She did not publicly criticize or harass any other students. She tried to humiliate me (harassment); however, her harassment behavior really made her look like an insecure bigot with an inferiority complex. She should never publicly criticize anybody's work unless she is prepared to be criticized of equal caliber. I found her lecturing skills to be horrible. Her heavy Asian accent and obsession with obscure jargon made her an ineffective and useless professor.

Her behavior reflected poorly on her and I feel a lot of pity for her stupidity and anger issues. She is also one of the worst professors I've ever had; her lecture and articulation skills are rather poor.

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