The UPS Store

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Category: Other

Contact Information
1497 main st, Dunedin, Florida, United States

Phone number: 727-738-4409

The UPS Store Reviews

micfees April 5, 2011
failed delivery
When this store screwed up my delivery, there was no talking to them. The manager, Dane Lynch, was the rudest person you could ever imagine. He even threatened me with bodily harm when I complained, and I had to call the cops on him. I guess he only has a job because, as I've been told, his mommy owns the company. Even the cop could tell that he was an ass.
Laura W March 29, 2011
cost and rudeness
I am a business owner and utilize UPS much during each month. I am usually
happy with their service, but The UPS Store on 1436 Altamont Ave, Schenectady,
NY has changed my view of UPS stores. This store has no customer service
skills and excessive costs.

On March 28, 2011 I was sending a prepared package with prepaid mailing label-
all it need was one strip of tape to finish the packaging and be sent out.
The gentleman asked me for $2 for taping. I questioned him why the charge
since I prepaid for the shipping. He said it costs him $2 for tape (He used
maybe 5 inches of tape). I paid the fee, but felt uneasy. I followed up
with a phone call to UPS Corporate headquarters which they explained that the
fee was excessive and not needed. I returned into the store to question the
gentleman what UPS corporate verbalized to me. He becomes rude and
inappropriate. I felt unsafe for my physical safety as well as concerned by
my package with an expensive item inside it. I asked for my package and he
intially refused to give it back to me.

With persistence he gave me back my package but not my money. At this time I
am thankful I have my package and it is safe with me and all items were
thankfully inside. However, this gentlemen and worker was verbally
aggressive, inappropriate and rude. In addition, he is charging excessive
fees to customers. Furthermore, UPS corporate also does not support his
inappropriate and irrational behavior.

The point of this complaint is the lack of professional communication and inapproproate conduct as well as the unnessary fees, which UPS coporate supported my concern of this fee. As a customer calling the UPS Corporate inquring about this and with their response, you can see why a customer, such as I would feel they are being cheated and ripped off. In questioning this fee, they became irritated and rude. The lack of proper and professional skills to resolve this issue nor communicate is unfortunate- I am sure it hurts business- I guess that is why they need even $2 to stay open, therefore I am glad I gave the donation.
jhbaptist February 11, 2011
Lost Package
This store lost my package and will not take responsibility for it. After filing a very detailed complaint (listing dates and people I spoke with over a two week preiod) with the BBB, they tried to put it off on the company that provided the prepaid label. I did not accept their resolution and BBB submitted a rebuttal which they never responded. I was never able to talk with anyone in charge at the store. They would always say that they would call me back and I had to continuously call them.
Carter January 3, 2011
Charged Me 3 Times for One Transaction
I went into the Albuquerque UPS Store on Golf Course on 12/20/10.

Owner Kimberly Whitesage was at the counter and I told her that I wanted to ship a pair of concert tickets and insure them. She said I couldn't insure and ship concert tickets. I told her FedEx did and she said she could IF I bought insurance. (Duh!)

She rang up the charges and told me it would be $14.xx. I handed her my credit card and she swiped it through the register. I told her that it seemed low to what I had researched online. I told her that the web estimated the cost to be around $18.xx with insurance.

UPS Store owner Kimberly Whitesage said to me, "Oh, you want INSURANCE?, you should have told me before I rang it up".

She then ran my credit card through the register again and had me sign the credit card slip for $18.xx. I asked her to void and credit back the $14.xx she had rung up in error. She sneered and said "I'll take care of it".

A few days later we checked our credit card statement online and saw that UPS Store owner Kimberly Whitesage had charged our credit card TWICE for the $14.xx amount and once for the $18.xx (correct) charge.

I took a copy of my card statement into the store and was told that they had to make a copy of my statement and send it to their accountant and that he was out of town for the holidays. They said he would call me. I didn't get an "I'm sorry" or anything from them.

Today, 10 days later - no phone call from the 'accountant' and no credit applied back to our credit card for the $28.xx Kimberly Whitesage had overcharged us. I went back to the UPS Store and was told that the accountant was still out of town and that it would take 10 days or more AFTER the accountant reviewed my statement before I would be credited back for their error.

This isn't the way a business operates, or at least any I've been to in the past.

I want UPS Store Owner Owner Kimberly Whitesage to apologize and to immediately credit my credit card back for the $28.xx she overcharged me back on December 20th.
mork102 September 30, 2009
I went to ship a box to Australia and was advised that shipping via USPS would be cheaper and that they could take care of that for me. It ended up costing me azpprox 90% more for them to ship it USPS than if I took the box to the post office myself. I know, shame on me for not checking, but shame on them for raping people so badly for the "service".
countrynewsman September 29, 2009
Ripoff Charges - No Response to Complaint
I went to the UPS Store (Store #4571) on Trimmier Ave. in Killeen, Texas on August 4, 2009 to have two framed certificates packed and shipped to an APO address in South Korea at a cost of $193.41. The cost to ship the package was $162.90 with the remaining amount for packing. The package weighed 15 lbs. with a dimension of 36X6X30 inches.

When the package did not arrive by August 29, I emailed store 4571 from my children's home when I was in South Korea on August 30 and 31. I never received a response. On returning home, I went to the store (Sept. 8) to inquire. The manager said they could do nothing for me, it was the problem of the USPS. I asked why I did not receive a reply from the email, and her response was, "Sorry about that." I then went to our local USPS office where they researched and found that the store sent the package "space available" and it was still in transit. I was never advised that I paid that much money to have a shipment go space available.

The package finally arrived on September 14, 2009…41 days after shipping.

I emailed the corporate offices of The UPS Store via their online form on September 8, 11, 12, and 28. Each time I received an automated response that I would be contacted by UPS Store. I have yet to receive a response.

On September 12, I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. The complaint was forwarded to the local UPS Store on September 14 with a suspense date of September 24 to respond. The BBB contacted The UPS Store on September 25 and given another suspense date of September 28. Based on the foregoing, it is clear and unequivocal that The UPS Store does not care about their customers.
Emma1023 September 24, 2009
Document Printing
Consumer beware! Hidden Fees and lack of clarity of services. - They claim to be the lowest in town on color copies, charging $0.29 per copy, when asked if one brings the document electronically, for example on a jumpdrive they say that is not a problem, however, they do not tell you that there is a $2.50 fee for accessing your jump drive until it's time to pay!
William Proctor May 11, 2009
Lazy Owner
Since newest owner, service has gotten just terrible. Loss of customers too. Not open during their own set business hours. Example: Weekdays open until 6pm according to the sign. But you get there at 5:40...and they are closed already and long gone and do not care. And it is not 'now and then' but the majority of the time. If you don't get in there by 5:20, you can just about forget it! The front door lock is faulty but they don't bother to replace it. The Carpet is dirty but they don't clean it. It smells like garbage in there. And if you mention any of these things to them they just shrug and laugh. They do not care at all. The owner, Phil, is rude and lazy and has no idea what he is doing and he does not care to bother to learn at all.
Frank February 25, 2009
Fraud and scam
On 1/20/09 I had items shipped from the UPS store. The arrival date was to be 1/22/09. On 1/21/09 I learned that the person I was sending the items to was no longer at that address. I called the UPS Store and asked them if it would be possible to stop the delivery, in light of this new info. They assured me it would be no problem. All set. They made the delivery anyway, and left the items at the door. They were stolen. Now, I had these items insured, in the event that something was to go wrong. When I asked to be reimbursed for my losses, all I received was very snotty attitudes. The owner of the store also called me and talked to me as if I were an imbecile. I was not happy. She said because of MY attitude, she wasn't going to 'help me, ' but that she normally does help people in my situation. I find that rather hard to believe. Now I am screwed out of my stuff that was valued at over $100, and insured for $100. Don't trust the UPS Store! They are thieves. I'll go with the Post office from now on. They are much more responsible, trustworthy AND they're much cheaper!~
Chucky February 9, 2009
Awful experience
Well I had seen this location as a mailboxes etc. for many years, and had not step foot in it since its conversion into the 'ups' 'store'. I put quotations around ups, because as it would occur to me through a phone conversation with a 'customer service' representative, that UPS has no affiliation with the 'ups' 'store', and that they do not even exclusively ship UPS, but in fact they ship any method, USPS, Fex, and UPS... SO essentially what I would discover is that this store is just a 'hub' to wop a hefty tax on whatever items you intend to ship, and charge you ABSURD amounts of money for packaging materials, and RIDICULOUS packaging fees to drop some of their brain-fritteringly expensive packaging peanuts into your box and half-assedly slap a strip or two of tape ontop of the box.

My experience with this 'store' started when I had a large quantity of ebay items I needed to ship in a box. Not a ridiculously huge box, but not necessarily what you would consider small, but not something I would ever expect to pay more than 40 dollars to ship(as I would later discover thats even more than what UPS would have charged me, if I had gone to their dropoff location directly).

I knew there was something shady about the place when there was no shipping, packaging, or service pricing to be found anywhere on their giant board. And what kind of 'store' does not list pricing for their products and services, I could not tell you. Perhaps some sort of used car dealership or the like, is the only type of place that I have ever seen such grimy sleezy sales tactics. After spending a mind-boggling 35 dollars for 2 'feet' of bubble wrap(oh so carefully 'eyeballed' by the sales woman), which definitely could not been more than 8-9 inches, and a bag of peanuts, I went home and packaged my box. Now this 'bag' of peanuts was supposed to contain 3 cubic feet of peanuts, but I could tell you that the box itself was not more than 3 cubic feet, and with all the items packed in it, the peanuts were hardly sufficient and left a solid 5-8 inches of space at the top of the box. I left the box open, placed it in the back of my mothers station wagon, and proceeded back to this same rip-off joint(within some bizarre logic that these turd spulunkers' packaging prices would not share similarities with their shipping fees), After having purchased tape from the local walgreens, as to avoid having to drop another 15 bucks for their packaging tape; I walked the package up to the counter and asked for another 3 dollars worth of the packaging peanuts(1cubicfoot), and the lady at the counter said 'OH, Dont worry about it, Ill take care of it'. When you are in a store and you ask to pay for an item, and the woman says 'Oh, Dont worry about' You assume such a statement implies some lack of charge. OOOOOOOOH nooo, not with these motherless sons of satan-lucifer himself. Even though I had tape, and wanted to put my own peanuts in the box, she CHARGED me 10 DOLLARS!!! just to put some peanuts and haphazardly 'cram' my box closed and slap a piece of tape on it.

Now you don't discover such inconsistencies until after you get the 'receipt' which is hand written, I guess as to avoid any real records of the dis-service you have been dealt.

Here is where it gets really scary: Shipping.

To ship the items, this woman charged me over 85 dollars, plus ten dollars for the packaging, plus 30 dollars for packaging materials. Now you could say i was a dope for handing her my card, but having not been to UPS in a while(loyal USPS customer), I figured somehow in my peanut-sized brain, that this is probably what they charge for such an item, and I handed the woman her card. Once again I received no printed receipt, no tracking number, and in my sleep deprived and fed-up state of mind, I drove home and went to bed.

I woke up and came to my senses, and began to realize exactly what sort of stinky, foul, tepid, DISGUSTING, rip off had occurred earlier in the morning, as I began to talk to UPS, and use the same dimensions for the box, value of items, and weight of the box... I would begin to discover how much these mother-'forgetters' charged me.

the quote from ups, as per online and over the phone, came to about 29.99 ROUGHLY. That means that these 'forgetters', 'forgetting' charged me OVER DOUBLE what it would have cost to just take it to UPS myself, and that their packaging materials(meager and useless) as it was, ALONE, cost what it would have cost me if I had gone to home depot for my packing materials and, then gone another block and a half to the ups dropoff location. I will NEVER ever 'forgetting' step foot in these mother-'fogetters' store, ever ever again. to have spent over 134 dollars, for an item, that could have cost 100 dollars less, to ship(mind you almost 4 times the amount of the shipping itself), if I had just driven another mile and a half, its so unbelievably frustrating and ridiculous, i am JUST glad I did not ship a larger, more expensive, and heavier item. That is the only thing I am grateful for out of this whole ordeal.

I would later also find out that these stores are individually owned and run, and are completely reliant on their revolutionary war 'tariffs' that they charge their unknowing 'clients'. They have no affiliation with UPS, and without prices on their big board, and a customer service branch to handle any issues, you can assume, if you're screwed, you're SCREWED.

The stores employees and manager made no attempts to rectify the situation, and when they saw me walk back in a week after they were supposed to 'call me back'(never received any calls), to rectify the matter, they almost look like they pooped themselves a little bit. Maybe they had fully comprehended the nature of their rip-off operation, and assumed I was going vigilante, because any sane person could after dealing with such 'services'. I was given no receipt once again, and told that they had done me a FAVOR by 'squeezing' my box into a smaller dimension threshold for 'savings'. I can only hope that this woman was right and instead of the already astronomical and insane rip-off pricing I paid, I could perhaps, have gotten ripped off even more. Mind-blowing.

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