Thomas Moore, aka REO Professor, claims to have performed hundreds of REO sales in the Las Vegas area of Nevada. He is not a licensed agent, however.
Thomas Moore offers coaching to real estate agents who want to learn how to get REO listings from banks and asset management companies. He says he works with a 'select' group of agents who he can tell are 'motivated' and says he will work with each agent by appointment for an hour a week until the agent gets listings.
Thomas Moore and I had 2 of these appointments; after that, he got 'busy' with 'important new developments' and refused to return phone calls or emails as promised. When he finally surfaced and was politely reminded of this, he became very offended and 'canceled' the coaching agreement via email, also indicating he would refund my money. He never did, making excuse after excuse, and no longer replies to emails.
The purported list of asset managers from lenders is outdated and the scripts Thomas Moore gives out look like they were written by a high school kid; embarrassingly boastful and dumb.
If Thomas Moore does not honor his basic coaching agreements or his promises to refund (all documented in email), you would be a fool as a real estate agent to trust his REO Professor product, which purportedly is a dashboard data entry system for agent listings. If he flakes out on simple agreements, he certainly cannot be trusted to keep precious data about real estate transactions on his server.