His name is Thomas Mchugh and he is located at 800 peakwood drive suite 8c houston tx 77090
I had breast implants with him and after I went with3 more doctors I thought he was the right one. He seems to have very good theory knowledge but he is the oppossite in his practice.
After my surgey my breasts didnt lood symmetrical and he told me I had to wait 6 weeks or longer to see the result. After this time happended I told him that mine were symmetrical and he said NO, your breasts were different. So its been two years alredy and what the others doctors told me is that he placed both implants in a different position. I also had both of them submucular and they look like if they were placed subfascial. I have rippling and they look uneven. He didnt want to do anythind, he said it was my problem/.