The Thursday prior to this incident, I had phoned Thompson Services requesting service to my heat pump. TVA had reported one of the ducts to be loose & blowing warm air, although it was not possible to see exactly where the leak was located. I called Thompson Svcs Inc because they had in late September they had done an inspection/service of the system & it occurred to me that perhaps they had noted one of the ducts being loose at that time and would know where the leak was.
Initially I dialed the wrong number and spoke with the tech who had performed the tune up service, and gave him information about the problem. The tech spoke to Mr. Thompson, then the tech called me back. Although I had not intimated in any way that Thompson Services was 'responsible' for anything, the tech assumed a 'defensive' attitude, said they would come out, but there would be a charge for service, and they were not responsible for whatever it was that was wrong. He said I should call back at another number to request service, which I did immediately, but got another of the techs. I explained the problem, and asked to be put on the list for service, was told they were very busy, and could probably come the following week, but which day was uncertain. Since I was losing heated air every minute the system was running, I asked if he thought I should check with another company that might be able to come sooner? I wasn't trying to push the envelope; it was just a question, politely put. The tech assured me they'd see if they didn't have someone who could come out to check the leak, and we left it at that.
I was expecting to hear from them about at least a tentative appointment time on Monday, but when there was no call by 3:30pm that day, I did call another company. All their men were out for the day on jobs & they were to call me the following day. Much to my surprise, one of their techs phoned first thing the next morning to say they'd be out in a few minutes, which they were, fixed the leak in about 10 minutes (re-taped & insulated the duct) and were gone!
It occurred to me that the owner of Thompson Svcs Inc would want to know that his company's customer service had 'slipped up', and I needed to have my name taken off their Wait List, so I called. Much to my surprise, my name had never been added to that Wait List!!! When I asked to talk to the owner, the tech was very polite & said he'd get the owner for me right away...then the receptionist came on...said the owner was out on a job for the day. It struck me as a little amusing, but I explained to her what my experience had been and that I had just wanted to let Mr. Jim Thompson, the owner, know about the lapse in service...and that was when Mr. Jim Thompson picked up the phone! He had been there all the time!
Mr. Thompson immediately seized control of the call, raised his voice and began talking over what I was trying to say, so I hushed, waited for him to finish, asked permission to speak, then told him I was simply trying to make him aware of the lapse in his customer service (about my calling for service, and their failure to even put my name on the list of folks awaiting service although Mr. Thompson and two of their techs were aware of the problem) at which point he began shouting over me again, telling me to report him to the TVA --- he didn't care!!!
To continue seemed pointless, so I told him I didn't want to fuss, that I hoped his day would get better, and hung up.
Although I was polite to this man, kept silent while he ranted, I was totally shocked that any company owner would treat a customer in such a manner! I would hope you would take my experience into consideration when looking for a company to provide HVAC service.
Which was the company actually provided excellent, fast, and efficient service to me? That was FANN's HEATING AND AIR in Murfreesboro, and I can recommend them highly. They make their customers feel valued and appreciated, and well cared for.