August 31, 2009
Horrible People - Bad Place to Live - Don't Go There
The first sign that maybe this would not be a good place to live is when they did not fix our screens. I am allergic to bees and am adverse to running the AC all day because of high bills. I enjoy fresh air, but could not open the windows due to the big holes and bends in the frames of the screens. There were always wasps flying around the windows and balcony. The only large burner on the extremely old stove stopped working, they came and told me it wasn't plugged in all the way. I am not stupid and made sure it was plugged in. Well they didn't come back to fix it after I told them it still wasn't working. The oven wasn't working right either, even after they "fixed" it, it was still fifty degrees off. In March the blower on the heater stopped working and they never came to fix it, so we were without heat - in March - in Michigan. In March the management sent out "blanket letters" saying they would be entering all of the apartments for inspection and to change the filters on the furnaces. They finally showed up in mid April and did not bother knocking. The day they came in, there were no managers present, only three strange men I had never seen before. That day I kept my preschooler home because he didn't feel good. He wanted to go lay down and cuddle with mom. We both fell asleep and I woke up to some strange man in my room, blocking the door. We were on the third floor, so there was no way for me or my son to escape if need be. At the end of May, I was working nights. I took my sons to school and came home to get some sleep. I woke up about an hour later and headed for the restroom. As I am walking there, I heard some weird clanging noised coming from my kitchen. I checked the clock in my room and discovered it was too early for my husband to be home. I went towards the apartment door - which was wide open and peaked into the kitchen. There was this man, who looked like a drug addict - with dirty clothes and a bad beard, standing in my kitchen. I asked him what he was doing in my apartment and he said he was the electrician. Supposedly he was there to put in an outlet for the built in microwave. I had not received a letter or a phone call about this visit - a violation of state law. What's more, I had placed a note on my door asking people to remove their shoes and to make sure the apartment door was closed so the cats did not get out. Needless to say, my cats got out. I found one of them on the ground floor of the building - I have never been able to find the other cat. In June our lease was up, but we agreed to go month to month until we could find somewhere else to go. We discovered the thermostat had went out in July and the AC would never shut off. Once again they did not bother to fix the problem. August came along and we paid for the entire month. Then we found an apartment we could afford in a good part of town. The new place would not be available for two weeks. We asked if we could give two weeks and the management agreed. When the two weeks came up - the new apartment's manager's told us the apartment would not be ready for another week. My husband told the Tiffany Woods managers we could not move until the following week, they showed up at 6:30 that night with a typed up letter saying we had to be out by 9am the next morning or they would throw us out. The timing was convenient for them no doubt, lawyers had already gone home by then. I quickly reserved a truck and made it there five minutes before closing. Sure enough the next day the manager, named Heather, showed up with what I now call her henchmen. I told her what she was doing was illegal, but she told me she had every right to do it - because we had given two weeks. These idiots destroyed a lot of our stuff and did things out of sheer spite. They decided it would be cool to take my children's mementos, in the top drawer of their dresser, and throw them in the garbage bin in the kitchen - which had no bad at the time. They took the garbage bag out of the garbage bin and threw all of my produce, which was in the fridge, in with the garbage. They took spaghetti out of the garbage disposal and placed it on and in the coffee pot - including the where the water is poured in. They took the coffee grounds and shoved it in where the water goes. They put the entire coffee pot, fresh coffee included and put it in a garbage bag with all of my dish towels and hot pads that were originally in a drawer. They went into my linen closet and grabbed the drain cleaner (there is another thing they didn't fix, the tub drain) and put it into the bottom of a bag. They then took that bag, walked across the hall and into my son's room. They opened a bin and put their flannel sheets in the bag and on top of the drain cleaner. Who puts drain cleaner in with children's sheets? They even tried to put my cat, who was in his carrier at the time, into a garbage bag - I caught them just in time. We started to load the truck. I looked in all of the bags, but should have searched them. I didn't see them shove the sheets in with the drain cleaner. When I looked in the bag, all I saw was sheets and I just piled bags on top of that bag. A few minutes later, this clear liquid started flowing from one of the bags and out of the truck - and onto the ground. I dipped my finger in it and it smelled like bleach. Wanting to preserve anything in those bags, I started digging through them to find the source. I had never had a negative reaction to bleach so I was not worried about my skin. I finally found the source, it was the drain cleaner. We immediately rinsed my hands, but it was too late. I sustained chemical burns to both hands and they had to cut my wedding ring off at the hospital because of the swelling. Eight years of marriage and I have only taken my ring off once - due to surgery. I would not recommend living here to anyone. The sign at Tiffany Woods says Muskegon's finest. Trust me - they are not. Our former neighbor told us they walked in on him as he was crossing the hall from the bathroom to the bedroom, he had nothing but a towel on. They never knocked. They went into my mother's house without permission and when they were done, left the keys in her door. She runs her own business and has some very expensive computers/accessories in there - anyone could have walked in and stolen those item or worse - laid in wait for her. Don't live here, no matter what they tell or offer you - it is not worth it.