I ordered (#4735) two Tigi hair care products(BED HEAD Volumizing HairSpray 6.76 oz. for $11.71 and TIGI BED HEAD Ego Boost 8 oz.
for $10.84). Along with Shipping and Handling and tax this order came to $32.45.
The item numbers were #26511-Hairspray and #26518-Ego Boost.
Now the order was placed on 06/18/09. It is now 07/07/09. And I am still waiting for these two products. I have sent you two to three e-mails complaining about the long wait. (19 days and that doesn't subtract 2-3 days to get the order ready or backorders if I was notified that a problem existed, which I wasn"t). The only information I got was that my order was received and what the items were and how much the order amounted.
Now, when I looked at your invoice I saw that you had already processed through my mastercard and that no shipping information existed for my products. Why is that? No UPS or Post Office information existed for my products to be on the way to my house, yet you have my money. I want my account credited for $32.45 NOW>