I signed up for time warners road runner internet package. At that time, they offerred a "free with rebate" wireless router. The router cost $50, what they neglect to mention in any of the literature, or when you sign up on the phone is that they do not handle any of the rebate information, it is all handled by a seperate company called offerwire. The router arrives without any forms to submit the rebate. I called Time Warner several times, and they were unaware of any rebate that was offerred, and could offer zero support. My third time calling Time Warner got me to an operator who told me that wasn't their issue, I would need to call offerwire, the company they had unknown to me, handed me off to after signing me up for internet service.
Offerwire has thousands of forms, specific to provider, model number of the router, and the promotion period during which you signed up for the service. I called them directly, and setup an account and asked to have the correct form sent to me. I had to wait 2 months to receive the required Time Warner bill documentation needed to submit the rebate forms, by this time, One of the rebates had actually expired, and I was no longer able to 'take advantage of'. I sent in my proof of purchase, 2 Time warner bills, and the form they had sent to me. Months went by without any word. When I contacted them, they said that I had sent in the wrong form, I sent in another form and duplicates of my information, months again passed, and no word. I contacted them again, and they said my proof of purchase and of service had not been included (it had). I sent my forms for the third and final time, at this point, I have been hearing that my card is in the mail, but over a month has passed, and it has yet to be received. The company is based out of the carribean, so my legal recourse is limited at best. Shame on Time Warner cable for cheating thier customers like this!