BEWARE!! DON"T DO ANY BUSINESS WITH BRIDGEVINER OR TIME WARNER. Time are desperate but these people are a bunch of crooks and Time Warner is no better because they allow this scam to take place.
I looked on line to get internet service from time Warner. I called the number but in reality I was calling Bridgevine. They never said they were Not time warner. They explained that they were going to charge $114 for the equipment BUT there was going to be a $100 Rebate. I have been waiting since May and It's now August. I have submitted all the paperwork requested but the promotion has been denied many times.
The way it works is like this:You get the cost of the equipment charged to your credit card by Bridgevine but to get the rebate you have to submit an invoice for the purchase that you've never received and will never get.(from Bridgevine)
So if you have already been scammed by these creepy and dark, blood sucking creatures, call your credit card company and ask to open an investigation immediately. You have 60 days from the date of the charges. It's too late for me I found out today. Good luck!