I purchased three bags from timeless_lv on ebay, all 10/2007. One bag being orange so I used it for the entire month of October. It was perfect as the Vernis bag I purchased. On 11/16/2007 I opted to finally use the Louis Vuitton Bucket Cosmetic Pochette Case. It is a case that attaches to an LV bucket bag. Upon retrieving items placed in pochette they were covered in the lining of the bag. It looks as if beige cover up spilled all over items placed in pochette. The inside of this bag is falling apart and is clearly unusable.
This item should have never been placed for sale.
I wrote the seller asking for a store credit to apply toward something else since this item can not be used. Darren Waldron wrote back to me stating I waited to long to contact him and he would not stand behind his items, he had to draw the line somewhere. Please refer back to first paragraph as to why 'I waited so long' I bought two other bags that I love, I trusted this man. I did not think I needed to play inspector, the other two were fabulous.
Timeless_LV is clearly about sales and not client satisfaction, once Darren has your money and feedback he is done.