The remarks in this website by Kelly Jones, a former client, are defamatory and disgusting . Ms. Jones will either remove them or be be sued very soon. These salacious remarks of November 11, 2008 were made by Jones at the time when I withdrew my appearance as her attorney in the Indiana Worker’s Compensation case known as Kelly Jones v. Forest River, Inc., Application No. C-183416. Jones is the type of individual who will not take responsibility for her own misdeeds. You know the type of person this is--someone who routinely and habitually always blames someone else. Here's the true story about Jones. During the time that I represented her in the Forest River matter was served with written interrogatories (questions) drafted by the attorney for Forest River. Jones answered them oath--under the penalty for perjury that her answers were true. The law required that and she knew it. One of those interrogatories specifically asked whether or not Jones ever filed a worker’s compensation claim against anyone other than Forest River at any time. Jones' answer only identified one other claim. After her answers were signed and submitted the employer's atorney brought to my attention (for the first time) that Jones lied about this. He provided me with several documents showing undeniably that Jones actually filed yet another worker’s compensation claim against a third, different employer. The Kelly Jones referred to in these documents has the same social security number--this was the "smoking gun." In Indiana perjury is a Class D felony punishable by a term of imprisonment between six (6) months and three (3) years and a fine of not more than $10, 000.00. I withdrew from this matter because, as Jones well knows, I do not tolerate untruthfulness or lack of complete truthfulness from a client. Her lie also had grave consequences for her pending claim. Among other things it impeached her overall credibility. It caused Forest River to lose any interest in settling her claim and it refuted her burden of proof that your injuries were caused by an accident at Forest River. This is all a matter of public or discoverable matter.
Jones also lied when she said that she was “left with no attorney to stand up for me.” Your initial instinct is to feel sorry for Jones, but don't. At the time I withdrew the other aqttorney and I had already agreed to a postponement of then pending hearing. Jones knows that. Jones even attended the hearing in person. The Hearing Judge assigned to her case insisted that she obtain other counsel rather than proceed on her own and postponed the hearing to allow her time to do so. That was months ago. Not surprisingly, Jones has still not hired another lawyer! Jones suffered absolutely no harm or prejudice whatsoever from my withdrawal as I made certain of that. So much for the sympathy.
To make matters even worse, Jones' intentional defamatory comments predictably invited the comments of others. A person by the name of “Sydney Coleman, ” whom I have never known nor met. I have no criminal record. You know people like Jones--persons who always blame others for their own faults.
My good name and reputation are far too important to me than to let this slide. Now you you know the rest of the story.
Timothy J. Walsh