I went to purchase a handbag for my daughters 16th Birthday. Knowing that if she did not like it we could go back and exchange the handbag.
While I was there I found another handbag with no price on it, I brought it to the customers service desk to ask about pricing. The bag had a recipe in it along with a couple coins, gum rapper and a coin purse.
The handle on the bag was broken off and the side that the handle should have been attached too was sewn back together. Obviously a used bag.
The manager stated that he didn't even think that it was a bag that TJ MAXX sold, but if I wanted it, it would be $10.00. Then the manager stated "if the customers doesn't buy it put a tag for $10 on it and put it on the floor." Well, I didn't want it, for $10.00.
I did buy a different bag for my daughter however. On 9-10-09 I bought the bag, She got the bag that night for her birthday, and on 9-11-09 she decided she wanted a smaller bag. On 9-12-09, we went to the TJ MAXX and asked to exchange and or return the bag. The employee Linda, stated its used, there are crumbs in it, you can't exchange this. I asked for the manager, he stated it is used, it is dirty and we can't put it back for sale on the floor, you can't exchange it. I said so you can take a broken used bag that may not even be yours and put it back on the floor, but I can't exchange this bag that I JUST bought 2 days ago?!
He says is that the bag that we put $10 on "as is", and put on the floor and the employee was saying at the same time, we threw that bag out. Sooooo which is it? You threw it out... you put it up for sale...?
The bag was not dirty, it wasn't used! My daughter had it literally for 1 day! The manager had no eye contact and walked away from the counter before I was done talking.